- superior turbinal crest of maxilla
- 上颌 maxillary; upper mandible; t ...
- 骨 bone
- 上 upper; up; upward
- 嵴 ridge
- 腭骨上鼻甲嵴 crista ethmoidalis ossis palatini; superior turbinal crest of palatine bone
- 上颌骨鼻甲嵴 conchal crest of maxilla; crista conchalis maxillae; inferior turbinal crest of maxilla; turbinal crest of maxilla,inferior
- 上颌骨下鼻甲嵴 inferior turbinal crest of maxilla
- 上鼻甲嵴 crista turbinata dorsalis
- 鼻甲嵴 comchal crest; conchal crest; conchal ridge; crista conchalis; turbinal crest; turbinated crest
- 上鼻甲 concha nasalis superior; nasal superior turbinates; superior concha; superior ethmoidal concha; superior nasal concha or tubinate; superior nasal turbinate; superior spongy bone; superior turbimates nasal; superior turbinate bones; supraturbinal
- 上鼻甲,最上鼻甲 superior turbinate bone
- 下鼻甲嵴 ventral turbinate crest
- 腭骨鼻甲嵴 conchal crest of palatine bone; crista conchalis ossis palatini; inferior turbinal crest of palatine bone
- 上鼻甲劈 dorsal conchal fold
- 最上鼻甲 concha nasalis superma; concha nasalis suprema ossa; highest nasal concha; highest turbinate bone; nasal supreme turbimates; supreme concha; supreme ethmoidal concha; supreme nasal conchae nasales; supreme nasal turbinate; supreme turbinates
- 腭骨下鼻甲嵴 crista conchalis maxillae; inferior turbinal crest of palatine bone
- 上颌骨 maxillae; maxillary bones; os maxillare; superior maxillary bone; supramaxilla; upper jaw bone
- 鼻甲上颌口 conchomaxillary opening
- 圣托里尼甲,最上鼻甲 santorini concha
- 颧骨上颌突 processus maxillaris
- 筛骨上颌的 ethmoidomaxillary
- 上颌的,上颌骨的 maxillaris
- 辅上颌骨 supplemental maxillary
- 上颌骨癌症 cancer of maxilla
- 上颌骨鼻面 facies nasalis maxillae; nasal surface of maxilla