

  • three orientations



  • 例句与用法
  • In a word , the " three orientations " is a dialectical and organic integration
  • Also can come true truly to make the quality of our country is taught " 3 are faced " , we try the length that from international relative perspective controls with 3000 words each to open a 6 windows with young fan
    为使我国的素质教育也能真正地实现“三个面向” ,我们试从国际比较的视角各以三千字左右的篇幅开出六扇小小的窗户。
  • The new century provides new chances for our educational reforms . the new curriculumn in senior high school follows the ideology of education : " three facings " with its purpose of improving the quality of education
  • Part2 mainly expounds the dialectical and unite relation between the thought of three gears and the sustained development of education . moveover , it discusses the necessity and urgence of accomplishing the sustained development of china " s education
  • The institutions of higher learning , as the base for training personnel , adhere to developing education and deepening its reform in accordance with " the needs of modernization , the world and the future . " and actively explore strategies to train the internationalized personnel
  • In chapter one , through the study of previous theories on community planning and the description of the background for the theory ' s appearance , it probes the historical reasons and sources for the formation of " new urbanism " . in chapter two , it gives a deep - going analysis to the theory from the three layers of region , neighborhood / district / corridor , street / block / building and the classification of different types of planning so as to elaborate the programming ideas and designing principles of the theory . in chapter three , it discusses the controversy caused by the theory with the purpose of probing in its merits from the reverse side
  • 其他语种释义
  • 三个面向什么意思:指教育要面向现代化, 面向世界, 面向未来。    ▶ 《人民日报》1984.5.6: “‘三个面向’要求我们在办学思想上摒弃一些旧的观念, 在改革上进行一些新的探索, 迈出新的步伐。”
  • 推荐英语阅读
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