- die of serious illness; fall ill and die
- 一 one
- 病 illness; sickness; disease; ...
- 暴病身亡 die from a sudden illness; death from a sudden illness
- 病身 infirmity; invalidism
- 周一病 monday-morning disease
- 因病身故 die of an illness
- 一病不起 take to one's bed and never leave it again; be confined to one's bed with a serious illness; be sick and remain in bed; fall ill and die; fall ill and never recover; take to one's bed and never get up again
- 车祸身亡者 road accident victims
- 断气身亡 with a last gasp of breath (he) gave up the ghost
- 气绝身亡 there was no breath in one's nose.; a person dies as soon as he ceases to breathe.; breathe out one's life; breathe out the feeble remnant of one's life breath; one's breathing has ceased.; slip one's wind
- 伤重身亡 die of a mortal wound
- 跳楼身亡 jumto one’s death to
- 物故身亡 pass away
- 以致身亡 resulted in death achieve
- 意外身亡者 accidental deaths
- 饮弹身亡 be killed by a bullet
- 遇刺身亡者 assassinated people
- 在职身亡 died at one's post
- 三因极一病证方论 sanyin ji yi bingzheng fang lun treatise on three categories of pathogenic factors
- 人却难料何时身亡 no man knows when he shall die although he knows he must die
- 他久病不治身亡 he died after a long disease; he died after a long illness
- 皮肤单一病损磨擦法 abrasion of single lesion of skin
- 宿主一病毒间不相容性 host-virus incompatibility
- 一种单一病害的防治方法 single means of disease control
- 青少年自杀身亡个案 fatal teenage suicide case