首屈一指 come first on the list; bear [carry off; take] the palm; be matchless; be second to none; come out first 请尝一尝这种烟叶, 你一定会说它是首屈一指的。 try some of this tobacco. you'll say it's second to none. 在粮食产量上, 中国首屈一指。 in the output of grain, china is second to none
Compression site : the middle of the sternum and one - finger width below an imaginary line between the nipples 压点:用两只手指放在婴儿的乳线中点下一指宽位。
This is a mathematical calculator designed for single - hand operation , a key figure refers to each wide support floating - point operations . press vivid and lively design 这是一个为单手操作设计的数学计算器,每个数字键有一指宽支持浮点运算,按键设计活泼生动