It is believed that there were habitants more than a thousand years ago . relics of the tang dynasty were once found nearby 此外,附近曾有唐朝文物出土,相信远在一千多年前已有人在岛上居住。
Then you start to go back and search for answers from those who have asked the same questions as you do , thousand years ago 那么,你首先要回去寻找答案,从那些已经提出了相同的问题,因为你说了,一千多年前。
It was built 1 , 000 years ago and it is known for its delicate design and unique architectural style , as well as its exquisite surroundings :建于一千多年前,是一座水中寺院。寺院以小巧玲珑见称,景色秀丽,建筑物独具一格。
Your virtual tour will take you through eight scenic areas of the yellow mountains , beginning with the hot spring area and ending with the cloud valley temple scenic area 黄山的温泉享誉全国,一千多年前就被人们发现和开发出来了。
A thousand years ago , this was a 2 ) thriving wooden 3 ) metropolis with a population in excess of a million people , at a time when london ' s was just 80 , 000 一千多年前,这里是兴旺的木建筑大都市,人口超过一百万,而当时伦敦才只有8万人。