一代 generation 下[上] 一代 the coming [last] generation; 这一代中出类拔萃的人 the pick of the generation; 一代名儒 a scholar of no equal of his time; 一代天骄 a proud son of heaven; 一代新人 a new generation; a generation of people of a new type
一代传一代 come down to sb be passed from one generation to another; from generation to generation
Millions of such stitches in each of these 200 generations is the fabric of this history woven . 二百多个世纪中一代一代的干百万桩细事就是这样一针一线地组成了历史。
Ideas are handed down from generation to generation, although, like grandmother's pillows and covers, they reek of staleness . 思想是一代一代往下传的,虽然它就象祖母的枕头和被单一样散发着臭气。
And thus, though years and years, and lives and lives, everything goes on, constantly beginning over and over again, and nothing over ends . 一切事情就这样一年一年地,一代一代地继续下去,周而复始,没完没了。
. . . the very birthright of the vampires . . .吸血鬼家族一代一代掌握之中
Folk music has been passed down from one generation to another 民间音乐是一代一代地流传下来的
Folk music has been passed down from one generation to another 民间音乐是一代一代流传下来的。
The tradition has been handed down from generation to generation 这个传统被一代一代地传下来。
The very birthright of the vampires .吸血鬼家族一代一代掌握之中
This spirit will be passed down from generation to generation 这种精神将会被一代一代地传下去。
This spirit should be passed down from generation to generation 这种精神应该一代一代地传下来。