- 一 one
- 就 come near; move towards
- 刚 hard; rigid; firm; unyieldin ...
- 便 quiet and comfortable
- 刚…便 no sooner…than
- 刚 Ⅰ形容词(硬;坚强) hard; rigid; firm; unyielding; strong; indomitable 血气方刚 full of sap; 柔能克刚。 the soft can overcome the hard. 她的舞蹈柔中有刚。 there is strength as well as grace in her dancing.Ⅱ名词(姓氏) a surname 刚冰 gang bingⅢ副词1.(恰好) just; exactly 刚合适 fit perfectly2.(表示勉强达到某种程度; 仅仅) barely; only just 刚成年 be barely of age; 刚赶趟儿 be only just in time; 这条裙子刚过膝。 the skirt comes just below my knees.3.(表示行动或情况发生在不久以前) only a short while ago; just 刚刚离开这儿 has just left here; 刚到 have just arrived; 电影刚开始。 the film has just started. 他刚到农村时, 连麦子韭菜都分不清。 when he first came to the countryside, he couldn't tell wheat from chinese chives.4.(用“就”字呼应, 表示两件事紧接) as soon as; just; only at this moment; it so happened that 汽车刚要开他就赶来了。 he came just as the bus was about to leave. 我刚进屋就下雨了。 i had hardly come into the room when it began to rain
- 便 便Ⅰ形容词[书面语] (安适的) quiet and comfortableⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 便乐成 pian lecheng
- 就 Ⅰ动词1.(凑近; 靠近) come near; move towards 避繁就简 take the simple, less complicated way; 就着路灯下棋 play chess by the light of a street lamp; 大家就拢来烤火取暖。they all moved towards the fire to get warm.2.(到; 开始从事) go to; take up; undertake; engage in; enter upon 就席 take one's seat; be seated at the table; 就学 go to school; 各就各位! [军事] man your posts! [体育] on your marks!3.(完成; 确定) accomplish; make 功成业就 (of a person's career) be crowned with success; 一蹴而就 accomplish in one move; 这个鼎是青铜铸就的。this tripod is made of bronze.4.(趁着; 顺着) accommodate oneself to; suit; fit 就便 at sb.'s convenience; 你就手儿把我的信件也带来吧。 please get my mail as well while you're at it. 我反正有空, 就你的时间吧。make it anytime that suits you; i'm always free. 只好就这块料子做了。we'll have to make do with the little material we've got.5.(搭着吃或喝) go with; eat with 花生仁就酒 have peanuts to go with liquorⅡ介词(从某方面) with regard to; concerning; on; in respect of [to]: 就目前情况看来 in the light of present situation; 就我所知 so far as i know; 大家就学习问题谈了自己的看法。we all said something about our studies. 就内容来说, 这是一本好书。this is a good book so far as its content is concerned. 双方就共同关心的问题进行了会谈。 the two sides held talks on questions of common interest.Ⅲ副词1.(表示在很短的时间以内) at once; right away 他就来。he will come right away. 一会儿就得。 it'll be ready in a minute.2.(表示事情发生或结束得早) as early as; already; long since 大风早晨就停了。the wind has already subsided in the morning. 人类很早以前就知道了武器的用处。 man early learned the usefulness of weapons. 她早在一九四二年就成了电影名星了。 she became a film star as early as 1942.3.(表示前后事情紧接着) as soon as; right after 说干就干。let's start working at once.; act without delay. 他一毕业就结婚了。he got married as soon as he graduated.4.(表示在某种条件或情况下自然怎么样) 明天要是下雨,我们就不去了。 if it rains tomorrow, we won't go. 只要虚心, 就会进步。provided you are modest, you'll surely make progress.5.(表示对比起来数目大, 次数多, 能力强等) as many as; as much as 光这一项开支就节约五万元。so far as the expenses are concerned, we saved as much as 50,000 yuan.6.(放在两个相同的成分之间, 表示容忍或无所谓) 丢了就丢了吧, 以后小心点。if it's lost, it's lost. just be more careful from now on.7.(表示原来或早已是这样) 我本来就不懂法语。i never said i knew any french. 我就料到他会等我们的。i knew he'd be waiting for us.8.(仅仅; 只) only; merely; just 就等你一个人了。you are the only one we are waiting for. 就他一个人知道这事的内情。he alone knows the inside story. 我就想问一个问题。i have just one question.9.(表示坚决) 他就不肯歇一歇。 he simply refused to take a rest. 我就不信学不会。i simply wouldn't believe that i couldn't learn it well.10.(表示事实正是如此) exactly; precisely 我要的就是这一个。what i want is exactly this one. 邮局就在前边。just go straight forward and you'll find the post office.Ⅳ连词(表示假设的让步) even if 你就不说, 我也会知道。even if you won't tell me, i'll know anyway. 你就送来,我也不要。even if you bring it to me, i won't take it
- 一 Ⅰ数词1.(最小的正整数) one 一百公斤 one hundred kilogram; 一本书 a book; 一营一连 the first company of the first battalion; 一万一 eleven thousand; 我见过她一次。 i have met her once. 在大连大学时他比我高一班。 he was in a class ahead of me at dalian university.2.(同一) same 一根藤上的苦瓜 bitter gourds from the same vine; people with a similar bitter past; 一码事 the same thing; 意见不一。 opinions differ. 咱们是一家人。 we are of the same family.3.(另一) also; otherwise 汞溴红一名红汞。 merbromin is also known as mercurochrome.4.(全; 满) whole; all; throughout 一冬 the whole winter; all winter; throughout the winter; 一脸的土 one's face covered with dust; 一天星斗 a star-studded sky; 他们游泳游了一下午。 they swam all afternoon. 一屋子的人都欢腾起来。 everybody in the room was overjoyed.5.(专一) concentrated; wholehearted 一心一意 heart and soul; wholeheartedly6.(单一; 唯一) single; alone; only one 一枪就打中了目标 hit the target with a single shot; 你一个人行吗? can you manage all by yourself? 她一个人去了。 she went alone.7.(表示动作是一次或短暂的) 等一等 wait a bit; 咳一声 give a cough; 瞧一眼 take a look; 笑一笑 give a smile; 歇一歇 have a rest8.(每一) each; per; every time 四个小组, 一组五人 four groups with five people in each; 一日三餐 tree meals a day; 一小时九十公里 at 70 kilometres per hour; 一桌十人 ten persons a table; 大家一提起那艰苦创业的日子, 总有说不完的话。 every time we talk about the hard pioneering days, we have so much to say that we can't get it all out.9.(用在动词或动量词前面, 表示先做某个动作, 下文说明动作结果) 一跳跳了过去 get over in one jump; 经他这么一说, 大家又都有信心了。 this explanation of his restored our confidence. 他一脚把球踢进了球门。 he kicked the ball into the goal.; he kicked a goal.Ⅱ副词(一旦; 一经) once; as soon as 一见不忘。 once seen, never forgotten. 你一看就会清楚的。 you will be clear about it as soon as you look at it. 天一亮他们就下地干活去了。 at dawn they started off to work in the fields. 一做好准备, 就破土动工。 construction will begin as soon as preparations are completed.Ⅲ助词[书面语] (用在某些词前加强语气) 一似瓮中捉鳖 be as easy as catching a turtle in a jar; 事态之严重一至于此! to think that things should have come to such a pass!Ⅳ名词[音乐] (中国民族音乐音阶上的一级) a note of the scale in gongchepu (工尺谱), corresponding to w17 in numbered musical notation 【注意】 “一” 字单用或在一词一句末尾念第一声(阴平)。 在第四声(去声)字前念第二声(阳平), 如“一半”; “一共” 。 在第一、 二、 三声 (阴平、 阳平、 上声) 字前念第四声(去声), 如“一天”; “一年”; “一点” 。 本辞典为简便起见, 条目中起首的“一”字, 都注第一声(阴平)。
- (便)同步 synchronize
- 和尚(藏文)刚 drakpa
- 硬[刚]度系数。 severity factor
- 便 变 辨 辩 bian
- 便 吹一吹 thanks joseph
- 排泄物;粪(便) excrements
- 小 便 量 少 oliguria
- 剂量,(一)剂,(一) dose
- 对于,就 with/in regard to
- 刚一……就 hardly … when/before; hardly …when
- 关于,就 in reference to
- 就……发言 give presentation
- 就……这事 further to
- 就…;正好 just
- 就…表决 vote on
- 就…达成 agree on