- 美 beautiful; pretty
- 口 mouth
- 看 see; look at; watch
- 问题 question; problem
- 片面 unilateral; one-sided; singl ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 人 human being; man; person; pe ...
- 死脑筋 one-track mind; block-headed
- 片面地看问题 take a one sided approach to problems
- 看问题要避免主观片面 try to avoid being subjective and one sided when looking at problems
- 片面的 ex parte; partial; segmentary; unilateral
- (看问题的)角度 per ective; perspective
- 全面看问题 see a problem from all sides
- 片面的观点 one-sided view
- 片面的决定 a one sided decision
- 片面的看法 a one sided view
- 片面的叙述 a one sided account
- 片面的债务 unilateral indebtedness
- 片面的做法 einseitige arbeitsmethode/einseitiges herangehen
- 辩证地看问题 look at things dialectically
- 简单地看问题 take a naive view
- 看问题的方法 the way one looks at things
- 全面地看问题 approach problems from all angles
- 单方面的, 片面的, 偏袒的 exparte
- 伤脑筋的问题 a knotty problemheadache