Research on zero - voltage - switched simmering circuit 零电压开关预燃电源的研究
By using a modified pwm control method , the two main switches conduct symmetrically and can achieve zero - voltage switching ( zvs ) easily 主开关管不仅工作在对称状态,而且能很好实现软开关。
The realization of shift - phase pwm control with zero - voltage and high speed , large power drive circuit is emphatically solved 重点解决了零电压开关的移相pwm控制策略的实现、高速大功率驱动电路的实现等几个难点问题。
This thesis focuses on the development of the dc / dc stage , which adopted the phase - shifted zero - voltage - switching ( zvs ) pwm full - bridge converter with two clamping diodes 本文主要研究单相静止变流器的dc / dc级,它采用加箝位二极管的移相控制zvspwm全桥直流变换器。
The asi parallel system in this thesis is presented based on common voltage loop control . the system is made up of five paralleled modules based on high - frequency zero - voltage - switch 1kva asi 本文采用公用电压外环方案,实现了五台1kva基于高频零电压软开关航空静止变流器模块的并联输出。
On the basis of theory and simulation analysis , the design , execution and experimental study of the phase - shifted zero - voltage and zero - current switching pwm dc / dc full - bridge converter is fulfilled 在理论和仿真分析的基础上,对新型移相控制zvzcspwmdc dc全桥变换器进行了设计、制作及实验研究。
First of all , the main - switches of the zvs chopper have zero - voltage turn - on and turn - off totally , so it has little switching losses . for this , the efficiency of the chopper can be improved 首先,零电压软开关斩波器的主功率器件完全实现了零电压开通和关断,所以它的热损耗很小,减小了系统的热损耗,提高了系统的电源变换效率。
The active - clamp network is used to clamp the voltage across power switches , and to achieve zero - voltage - turn - on of the power switchs , etc . detailed analysis and simulation of the converter are performed , from which some important results are obtained 着重介绍了有源箝位zvs软开关电路的特点及其在升压型直直变换器中的应用,并给出了主要的仿真波形。
The zero - voltage vector , whose function is to keep the output torque unchanged , is applied to a switching table to minish the ripple of the torque and improve the performance of the steady characteristic of the system 指出了恒定磁链幅值的直接转矩控制系统在轻载稳态时效率不高的缺点。针对这一缺点,提出了根据负载改变磁链幅值的新型直接转矩控制方法。
In this paper , the operation principle and the equivalent circuit structures in different periods of time of the dual - bridge zero - voltage - switching ( zvs ) bi - directional dc - dc converter are analyzed . the condition of achieving soft - switched is derived 文中介绍了双向半桥零电压( zvs )变换器的工作原理和不同时间段的等效电路图,以及给出了实现软开关的条件。