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quantum chemistry造句

"quantum chemistry"是什么意思  
  • Significant biological applications of quantum chemistry are on the increase .
  • The hydrogenlike atom is the single most important system in quantum chemistry .
  • Application of quantum mechanics to atomic structure, molecular bonding, and spectroscopy gives us quantum chemistry .
  • Quantum chemistry study of pka for norepinephrine in aqueous solution
  • Dipole moment in quantum chemistry calculation
  • Quantum chemistry study on the anti - tumor activity of flavonoids compounds
  • Computational quantum chemistry
  • Quantum chemistry b
  • Molecular structure of propadiene as seen from ab iintio calculation in quantum chemistry
  • The quantum chemistry calculation of the active site of a novel vanadium - containing superoxide dismutase
  • It's difficult to see quantum chemistry in a sentence. 用quantum chemistry造句挺难的
  • The calculation of the quantum chemistry shows the reaction mechanism of the condensation reaction
  • They have also released a special version of the cd with tools for molecular quantum chemistry
    另外还发布了一个特殊版本的cd ,内有分子量子化学的工具。
  • A quantum chemistry study on the electronic structure of flotation reagents and its coordination with sulphide ore
  • The character of carbon dioxide dimer was studied by quantum chemistry calculation method and the pvt relation of supercritical carbon dioxide was also calculated by bwr state equation
    同时也对超临界状态下co _ 2的缔合性质及其pvt关系进行了研究。
  • 33 focuses on advanced experimentation , with particular emphasis on chemical synthesis and the fundamentals of quantum chemistry , illustrated through molecular spectroscopy
  • The result is useful for us to choose the ti matrices . based on quantum chemistry , a two - step dynamic model of interfacial reaction in scs - 6 sic / ti composites was built up
    在量子化学研究的基础上,建立了scs - 6sic ti基复合材料界面反应的反应动力学模型,即反应是通过原子态的中间态分二个步骤进行的。
  • While merkel hosts the leaders of the world ' s eight most y nations , her husband , a professor of quantum chemistry , will be the only male with the spouses of the other presidents and prime ministers
  • While merkel hosts the leaders of the world ' s eight most wealthy nations , her husband , a professor of quantum chemistry , will be the only male with the spouses of the other presidents and prime ministers
  • While merkel hosts the leaders of the world ' s eight most wealthy nations , her husband , a professor of quantum chemistry , will be the only male with the spouses of the other presidents and prime ministers
  • Ni xiangshan * , shi xiufan , lin lunjiang * 1988 an interaction potential between an alanine zwitterion and a water molecule based on abainitio calculations . international journal of quantum chemistry , 34 : 527 - 533
    倪向善* 、石秀凡、林伦奖* 1988基于从头算的丙氨酸两性离子和水分子的相互作用。国际量子化学杂志, 34 : 521 533 。
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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