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melva bucksbaum造句

  • Melva Bucksbaum, a patron of the arts and a Whitney trustee since 1996, started the Bucksbaum Award in 2000 . _ _ _=
  • Named the Bucksbaum Award, it has been established by the Bucksbaum Family Foundation of Des Moines, Iowa, run by Melva Bucksbaum, a Whitney trustee since 1996.
  • In 2000 she and her family inaugurated the Melva Bucksbaum Prize with an award of $ 100, 000 to an individual contemporary artist and an exhibition of the artist's work at the Whitney.
  • The museum has also received Lichtenstein's " World's Fair Girl " ( 1963 ) and his bronze sculpture " Archaic Head VI " ( 1988 ), which Melva Bucksbaum, a trustee, and her husband, Raymond J . Learsy, gave from their own collection.
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