Drogba headed the first corner out , but from the second yobo rose above ballack and essien to head everton back ahead from close range with hilario rooted 德罗巴顶出了第一个,而第二个雅博则力压埃辛和巴拉克头球破门。
In chelsea ' s next attack drogba was clearly held by yobo in the area away from the ball , and lampard was blocked from shooting by a sliding tackle that didn ' t reach the ball but obstructed him 在切尔西的下次攻击中,雅博明显对德罗巴犯规,而兰帕德也在对方的干扰下没有踢到球。
The second was a galaxy of errors : boulahrouz ' s foul , and a free - kick punched for a corner by hilario ; the corner was headed away with desperation by drogba - no blame on him - for another corner ; this corner was headed in by yobo , marked by essien , jumped with by ballack , and watched by hilario 第二个则有一系列的失误因素:博拉鲁兹的犯规,对方开出的任意球被希拉里奥打出底线导致角球;对方开出的角球被德罗巴顶出底线? ?丝毫没有责怪他的意思? ?又一个角球;这次的角球被雅博顶到,埃辛盯人没有顶住,巴拉克争顶没有争到,希拉里奥眼睁睁看球入网。