We have taken films about every two months 我们大约每两个月拍一次x线照片。
I would order a lateral skull film 我打算安排照颅骨侧位的x线照片。
The project , named " ediamond , " enables multiple hospitals to scan , store , and share mammograms in a massive digital photo database 该项目名为“ ediamond ” ,能够使多家医院扫描、存储并共享存有大量数字照片的数据库中的乳腺x线照片。
It has been reported that the university of sao paulo , brazil , built a 125 node beowulf cluster that was capable of analyzing mammograms in some 1 120th time that it had formerly taken 已有报道说巴西的圣保罗大学( university of saopaulo , brazil ) ,建立了一个有125个节点的beowulf群集,它分析乳房x线照片的时间只有原来的120分之一。