The romance blossomed for six or seven months, and then wilted . 那罗曼史持续六七个月之后就告吹了。
The bacteria may gain entry and develop internally as in wilts and stunts . 当植株产生萎蔫或矮化症时细菌可进入体内繁殖。
Physical and biological science wilted and died on the stony soil of roman prosperity . 物理和生物科学是在罗马昌盛的硬土上枯萎而死的。
The control of cucurbit wilt has been based on chemical insecticides applied for beetle control . 防治葫芦科植物萎蔫病,至今仍依靠使用化学药剂防治甲虫。
He got it out, rumpled and wilted and it mightily increased his dismal felicity . 他把它拿出来,一看已经皱成一团,而且枯萎了;这大大地增加了他那种凄凉中的幸福情调。
Similarly, plants wilting in the light from temperature and wind effects may increase their abscisic acid content some 40-fold . 同样,在光下由于温度和风的作用而萎蔫的植物,它们的脱落酸含量可以增加约40倍。
Those roses began to wilt because of the heat 那些玫瑰花由于太热开始要枯萎了。
Braddock looks like he ' s finally starting to wilt 布洛克看起来他终于开始疲倦了
wiltとは意味:wilt v. (草花が)しおれる, しぼむ; 元気がなくなる. 【+前置詞】 ◆The Redskins wilted before the Cowboys hard-driving offense. (アメリカンフットボールで)レッドスキンズはカウボーイスの猛烈な攻撃の前にたじたじとなった ◆wilt from lack of water 水不足でしおれる ◆The flowers were ...