
urge to do中文是什么意思

  • 急切做



  • 例句与用法
  • Everyone in the class is urged to do the background readings in order to facilitate group discussion
  • You are urged to do your part in making the workplace as a safe area for yourself and others
  • Only when you have so much time and nothing to do , girl friend gone , boy friend left or something , then you sit there and you feel the urge to do something
  • All the faithful are urged to do their utmost , each in his or her own way through prayers and the practice of the virtues of faith , hope and love , to join the government and the general public in combating this extraordinary form of viral pneumonia
  • All the faithful are urged to do their utmost , each in his or her own way through prayers and the practice of the virtues of faith , hope and love , to join the government and the general public in combating this extraordinary form of viral pneumonia
  • So remember to just do what you need to do , and to try to force yourself to put off everything else , so that those hypnotic suggestions have time to build up in force , while you resist them as much as possible and just do some things , whatever things you feel you have to do , and fight that hypnotic urge to do everything at once as much as you can
  • All governments are reminded that the special surveillance list contains , in addition to a list of 26 substances , guidelines for implementing a monitoring mechanism to identify and prevent diversions of non - controlled substances , and governments that have not implemented the recommendations are urged to do so as soon as possible
  • 推荐英语阅读
urge to do的中文翻译,urge to do是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译urge to do,urge to do的中文意思,urge to do的中文urge to do in Chineseurge to do的中文urge to do怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
