The business is a cover for unlawful activity . 以经商为幌子从事非法活动。
The unlawful possession of drugs is a serious crime . 非法拥有毒品是严重犯罪行为。
What would she think of such wild, unlawful loving ? 她对于这种任性而不合法的爱情会有什么想法呢?
Unlawful search of , or intrusion into , a citizen 's home is prohibited . 禁止非法搜查或者非法侵入公民的住宅。
They were in the habit of turning out by torchlight, two or three nights in the week, for unlawful purposes . 他们每星期总得有两三个晚上,点着火把出去为非作歹。
It was unlawful for a priest of the church of england, after the death of his first wife, to take a second . 信奉英国宗教的教士,凡有断弦的不应再娶,若是再娶就是违律。
It was the fixed judgement of most of the meeting, that all payment of cess or tribute to the existing government was utterly unlawful . 与会大多数人作出一个明确的结论:向当代政府交付任何捐税或纳贡都是绝对非法的。
This business is a cover for unlawful activity 这家商行是搞非法活动的隐蔽处。
Unlawful passport and money laundering case 海关高级督察售卖非法护照及参与洗黑钱
The court has made a verdict of unlawful killing 法庭已经做出不合法杀害的裁决。