Amid the torn flesh, blood, and dirty, tousled hair, it was difficult to be sure . 现在很难说,因为她皮开肉绽,血肉模糊,头发又脏又乱。
A tousle-haired snoop 一个头发蓬乱的侦探
Entering the bedroom he halfclosed his eyes and walked through warm yellow twilight towards her tousled head 他走进卧室,眯缝着眼睛,穿过温煦黄色的微光,朝她那睡乱了的头走去。
Rostov, get up ! rostov, rubbing his eyelids that seemed glued together, lifted his tousled head from the warm pillow . why, is it late 罗斯托夫揩着困得睁不开的眼睛,从那睡得热呼呼的枕头上抬起他那蓬乱的头。
Nikolenka wrote to us natasha, vera, here he is, denisov . the same happy, ecstatic faces turned to the tousled figure of denisov and surrounded him 还是那几张幸福的热情洋溢的面孔朝那毛茸茸的杰尼索夫的身躯转过来,把他围在中间了。
She was in a night-robe and dressing-gown, with her hair very much tousled, but she looked so pretty and good-natured that carrie instantly conceived a liking for her 她穿着睡袍,披着晨衣,头发很乱,但是看上去很可爱很友善,嘉莉立刻对她有了好感。
Tioga road tuolumne meadows-fewer people visits this area in northeast of the park . the road closed in winter climbs into an alpine world of snowy peaks, crystal lakes, wind-tousled meadows 青青草原,缓缓溪流,清澈的湖,静卧在积雪的山峰下,宽阔的视野和宁静的山林,景观气氛均与山谷不同,非常值得前往一游。
Hes coming ! said he; now for trouble ! rostov glanced out of the window and saw denisov returning home . denisov was a little man with a red face, sparkling black eyes, tousled black whiskers and hair 罗斯托夫朝窗口睇了一眼,看见杰尼索夫走回家来,杰尼索夫身材矮小,红彤彤的面孔,眼睛乌黑,闪闪发亮,黝黑的胡髭和头发十分蓬乱。
Nesvitsky looked round and saw, fifteen paces away, separated from him by a living mass of moving infantry, the red and black and tousled face of vaska denisov with a forage-cap on the back of his head, and a pelisse swung jauntily over his shoulder . tell them to make way, the damned devils ! roared denisov, who was evidently in a great state of excitement 涅斯维茨基回头一看,看见了瓦西卡杰尼索夫,他离涅斯维茨基有十五步路远,一大群向前移动的步兵把他们隔开了杰尼索夫两脸通红,头发黝黑,十分蓬乱,后脑勺上戴着一顶军帽,雄赳赳地披着一件骠骑兵披肩。