swiss n. 1.〔sing., pl.〕瑞士(Switzerland)人;瑞士语,(特指)瑞士的德国语。 2.(瑞士)卫兵;看门。 adj. 瑞士的;瑞士人的。
swish n. 1.(鞭子在空中挥动,衣裙在走动时的)嗖嗖声,沙沙声。 2.飒飒声。 3.(鞭棒的)挥动。 4.漂亮,时髦。 adj. 漂亮的,时髦的。 in the swish 见闻广博,熟悉内情。 vi. 嗖嗖地挥动;作沙沙声。 vt. 把(鞭子)挥动得嗖嗖地响;唰地甩动(尾巴);用(棍子)抽断(树枝等),沙沙地削去 (off); 用(鞭子)抽打。 swish-swash 〔俚语〕啤酒。 n. -er 衣着时髦的人。
Her skirts gave a swish . 她衣服的下摆发出沙沙声。
Pablo made a swishing noise rinsing wine in his mouth . 巴勃罗用酒漱着口,发出咕噜噜噜的声音。
His conscience could enjoy the crisp swish of a departing skirt . 他心安理得地欣赏裙子飘然而去的轻快摆动声。
I hear the swish of the sword that is being sharpened to cut off a suitor's head . 我听见霍霍的磨刀声,好砍掉一个求婚者的脑袋。
Again she charged me and i dodged, just missing the stinging swish of the wet towel . 她又一次朝我猛冲过来,我一闪身,恰好躲过了抽来的湿毛巾。
Naked feet swished dryly across the planks in the wooden floor and the clang ceased abruptly . 光着的脚丫子啪哒啪哒踩着木头地板走过来,闹钟立刻不响了。
He swished off the tops of the nettles with his cane 他用藤杖抽断了荨麻的顶部
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Swish and soft flop her stays made on the bed 她的紧身褡嗖的一声轻飘飘地落在床上。
She swishes her hunting crop savagely in the air 她凶猛地凌空甩着猎鞭。