- 检查 check up; inspect; examine; ...
- stl检查编辑器 stl check modifier
- stl 版本来看; 播音室至发射机的传播线; 不适用于普通程序员; 查价; 出现之前那么显著了; 但不包括; 跟他那本标准; 红黑树的时间复杂度为; 模板库; 你可以为所欲为; 三尖瓣隔叶; 狮驼岭; 实现才比较完满众所周知; 实现技术的详解; 实现中; 头文件; 演播室和发射机间的传输线; 因为当; 永远都会记住回收内存; 又以; 语句表; 最出色的无疑是
- stl stl rapid prototyping 快速成型
- mfc or stl 数据结构 有现成的类可以套用么
- q stl 包括了对
- stl check stl检查
- stl container 中的容器
- stl still 仍然
- stlout stl 输出
- guide to using stl 标准模板库导用
- import stl file 输入
- rogue wave stl 其效率; 为最差
- stl check modifier stl检查编辑器
- stl default function objects 仿函数
- stl radio remix 我的心神向你飞去
- stl st louis 圣路伊丝
- stl standard template library 标准模板库
- 检查 1.(用心查看) check up; inspect; examine; censor; survey rummage; review; jerque; docimasia 检查工作 check up on work; 检查护照 inspect sb.'s passport; 检查身体 have a physical examination; have a health check; have a medical check-up; 检查视力 test sb.'s eyesight; 检查行李 inspect [examine] sb.'s luggage; 检查帐目 check the account; audit the account; 检查质量 check on the quality of sth.; 检查设备 survey the equipment; 检查船只 rummage a ship; 检查一天的工作 review the day's work; 钡餐检查 barium meal examination; 常规检查 routine examination; 全身检查 general check-up; 体格检查 physical examination; physical [medical] check-up; 透视检查 examine by fluoroscopy; 卫生检查 sanitary inspection; check up on sanitation; inspect the sanitary conditions; 新闻检查 press censorship; 邮件[政] 检查 postal inspection; 做诊断检查 work up a patient; 把练习检查一遍再交。 look over exercises before handing them in. 检查屋顶时未发现渗漏。 an inspection of the roof showed no leaks.2.(检讨) self-criticism 写检查 write a self-criticism; 作检查 criticize oneself; make a self-criticism; 检查报告 inspection report; 检查井 inspection shaft [well]; manhole; 检查孔 inspection eye; access eye; access hole; inspection hole; sight hole; cleaning eye; access opening; inspection opening; inspection port; hand-hole; 检查团 inspection tours [party; team]; 检查仪 inspection tester; 检查员 inspector; surveyor; 检查站 checkpoint; checkpost; inspection station
- 检查, 体格检查 check-up
- 检查床,检查台 examining table
- 检查井;检查坑 inspection pit
- 检查员检查 auditor inspection
- eng检查 eng examination
- ent检查 ent examination