stew1 vt. 1.用文火慢慢煨炖。 2.〔口语〕使焦虑,使着急。 vi. 1.用文火煨烂,炖烂。 2.焦虑,着急。 3.(关在房里)闷热得出汗;发昏;〔俚语〕死用功,用苦功。
S- the pork with sugar. 用糖炖猪肉。 The tea was stewed. 茶浸泡得过久变得太苦[太浓]。 let sb. stew in his own juice [grease] 让某人自作自受。 stew oneself into an illness 愁出病来,急出病来。 n. 1.炖煮的菜肴〔通常肉类和蔬菜混和在一起〕,混合物。 2.〔口语〕忧虑,着急。 3.〔美俚〕酒鬼。 4.〔美俚〕硝化甘油,炸油。 5.【电影】噪声。 6.〔英俚〕死用功的人。 7. 〔美口〕(飞机上的)女[男]服务员,空姐[空哥] (=steward)。 Would you like some beef stew 你想吃点炖牛肉吗? Everybody went into a terrible stew about it. 每个人都为它着了一通大急。 Irish stew 马铃薯洋葱炖羊肉。 in a (regular) stew 〔俚语〕(因忧虑、愤怒等)心乱如麻,着急,急躁。 n. 〔英国〕鱼塘,养鱼池;养蚝场。
stew3 n. 〔古语〕 1.公共浴室,热浴室。 2.妓院;,妓院区〔常作 the stews〕。
be in a huff; be silent or sullen 同义词:grizzle, brood,
A stew is a combination of solid food ingredients that have been cooked in liquid and served in the resultant gravy. Ingredients in a stew can include any combination of vegetables (such as carrots, potatoes, beans, peppers and tomatoes, etc.
stewとは意味:1stew n. シチュー(料理); 《口語》 いらいら, 心配. 【動詞+】 ◆Moira concocted a delicious stew. モイラはいろいろな具を混ぜ合わせておいしいシチューを作った ◆Tom dished out the stew to everyone present. トムは居合わせた全員にシチューをふるまった ◆He dished up the stew. シチュ...