Such small tolerances require careful design and machining of the graphite boat and slider so that the sliding motion is smooth and without jitter . 这样小的公差要求仔细设计和精心加工石墨舟皿和滑动器,从而使滑动器的滑动平滑而没有跳动。
Adjust the team width and tempo sliders to match 相对应地调整球队的宽度和节奏。
Lowering the slider shows only the strongest links 降低滑块将只显示最强链接。
You adjust the percentages by moving sliders 可以根据百分比将滑块拖动到相应设置。
Wow , the president is a slider , respetc the crowd . , 哇,总统先生忙成一团了,各种应酬
You can use the sliders to adjust the test distribution 可以使用滑块来调整测试分发。
You can test the delay in the box below the slider 你可以在滑杆之下的盒子里测试延迟。
- this guy ' s slider sucks . - come on , man -这家伙投的曲球够烂-拜托,老兄
In the pointer trail area , drag the length slider 在“指针尾部”区,拖动“长度”滑杆。
A study of the dynamic of slider - crank mechanism 曲柄滑块机构动力学研究