Tilting her head skywards spring moon dreamed . 春月抬头看看天空,浮想联翩。
The higher pressure below then forces the plane skywards 相反地,下方压力增加使得飞机有上升力。
The world is still consuming almost as much oil as it can pump , so any reduction in supply could send prices skywards again 世界对于石油的需求是多多益善,所以任何的减产都会导致油价的再度上涨。
But this transforms into severe apprehension once you have been hoisted steadily skywards and are broughn to a holt atm he peak of the ride 但当你被不断地往上吊,在顶端停止时,你就会变得惴惴不安。
The broad , tree - lined boulevards and european architecture are witness to its past , the glass - walled towers that soar skywards a portent of its future 宽阔的林荫大道和欧式建筑见证着历史,高耸入云的摩天大厦预示着未来。
Eight 13 , 500 - watt projectors light the fountain ' s majestic column in the evening as it soars skywards , from early march until the second sunday of october 晚上, 8盏13500瓦的探照灯照亮直窜夜空的壮观水练。每年从3月初到10月的第二个星期天,大喷泉运转不息。
Misjudging the number of permits , in contrast , could send permit priceseither skywards or through the floor , with immediate , and costly , economicconsequences 相比之下,如果对行政许可发放数量判断失误,就会造成许可价格忽高忽低,引发直接的,昂贵的经济后果。
Black ghost cave is full of strange coral reef formations that wind about in an intricate maze , and at its en trance stands an amazingly twisted ancient banyan tree , ascending skywards 乌鬼洞内怪石蜿蜒,彷佛礁岩建成的迷宫阵,入口处还有一棵百年老榕凌空悬立,姿态特异。
That the word has spread to far - flung corners of the earth is apparent from their high - rise residential blocks for peking that are now beginning to climb skywards 这种理念已经远远的传播到地球的另一个角落北京,它迅速的应用于北京的民用建筑中,在那里高层民用建筑群正在迅速的掘起。