rail n. 1.(围栏等的)横木,横档;(钉帽架等用的)横条,栏杆,扶手;〔pl.〕围栏。 2.轨道;钢轨;铁路;〔pl.〕铁路股票。 a towel rail (钉在墙上的)挂毛巾的横木。 a rail advice (铁路)到货通知单。 zero-length rail 【火箭】超短型导轨。 by rail 乘火车,用火车。 get [go] off the rails 出轨;越轨。 off the rails 出轨;扰乱秩序;〔比喻〕发狂;越轨 ( He is a very reliable person he has never gone off the rails. 他这人十分可靠,从来不越轨逾矩)。 ride (sb.) on a rail 〔美国〕(把人)捆在横杆上抬着赶走〔一种私刑〕。 run off the rails 出轨,脱轨。 vt. 1.用围栏围 (in off), 用栏杆围住,装栏杆于。 2.在…铺铁轨;用铁路运输。 vi. 坐火车旅行。 n. 【动物;动物学】秧鸡。 vi. 咒骂,责备;抱怨 (against at)。
Sparse - tree architecture enables low carry - merge fan - outs and inter - stage wiring complexity . single - rail and semi - dynamic circuit improves operation speed . simulation results show that the proposed adder can operate at 485ps with power of 25 . 6mw in 0 . 18 - mu m cmos process 具有代表性的并行前缀进位结构有kogge - stone树brent - kung树han - carlson树和knowles树等,一些高性能的加法器也由此被设计出来。
From the concept of triditional master - slave flip - flop , we propose a simplified positive edge - triggered flip - flop and prove the traditional positive edge - triggered flip - flop is the master - slave flip - flop designed based on basic flip - flop with single - rail input 并且从传统主从结构触发器出发,提出了简化结构的维持阻塞型触发器设计。针对数字电路中大量存在的冗余现象,本文讨论了冗余抑制原理以及相应的冗余抑制技术。