n. (pl. selves ) 1.自己;自身;本身;【哲学】自我;我。 2.本性;本质。 3.私利;私心,私欲。 4.〔俗〕我;我自己;本人。 5.本身〔某种抽象性质的体现〕。 6.【园艺】单色花;原色花〔未经人工培育变色的〕。 7.〔商、谑〕我[你、他]自己 (=myself, yourself, himself)。
my poor [humble] self 〔自称〕敝人,在下,不才。 one's second self 密友。 our two selves 我们两个。 our noble selves! 〔戏谑语〕(干杯时)祝各位健康! your good selves 【商业】您;您处;您店。 your honoured selves 阁下。 Rour Royal S- 殿下。 S- is a bad guide to happiness. 利己心带不来幸福。 S- do, self have. 自作自受。 a ticket admitting self and friend 限本人和朋友用的入场券。 Please accept our thanks to Mr. Jones and self. 谢谢您和琼斯。 by one's self 单独。 have no thought of self 没有个人打算。 one's better self 良心;本性中良好的一面。 pay to self 〔支票用语〕认票不认人。 rise above self 舍己为人。 pity's self 极令人遗憾[怜悯]的(事物或人)。 adj. 1.〔古语〕同样的;这;那。 2.纯净的;一样的;单一的;(颜色等)同一的;(弓等)用一根木头做的;同样材料的。
the self way 用同样方法。 at that self moment 正在那同一时刻。 a self button 用与衣料相同的材料制成的钮扣。 vt. 使近亲繁殖;使同种繁殖;【植物;植物学】使自花受精。 vi. 【植物;植物学】自花受精。
a person considered as a unique individual; "one''s own self"
(used as a combining form) relating to--of or by or to or from or for--the self; "self-knowledge"; "self-proclaimed"; "self-induced"
The self is an individual person as the object of his or her own reflective consciousness. The self has been studied extensively by philosophers and psychologists and is central to many world religions.
selfとは意味:self n. 自己, 〔哲学〕 自我; 自分の利害, 利己心; 〔商業〕 本人. 【動詞+】 ◆control the self 自制する ◆forget the self われを忘れる ◆reveal another self もう 1 つの本性を現わす ◆She must be ready to sacrifice the self. 自己を犠牲にする覚悟をもっているに相違ない. 【+動詞】...