It consists of the space management ( asm ) and air traffic flow management ( atfm ) 最后讨论了空中交通管理,并对空域管理和空中交通流量管理作了重点研究。
It also analyzes the categories , users of air space and the principle and methods of air space management 分析了空域的种类、使用者,研究了空域管理的方法和原则。
This paper discusses the design and implementation of asmes based on the technology of three - tier architecture and middleware 本文是基于三层结构和中间件技术在空域管理与评估系统的设计和实现。
The sub - system of " airspace management and evaluation system " , capacity evaluation and simulation module was successfully developed , which is for atmb of caac 在此基础上,开发了全国空域管理与评估系统中的容量评估与仿真模块,并做了相应的介绍。
With the rapid development of civil aviation and the special situation of our country ’ s airspace , there come to be some congestions of air traffic in some airspace 随着民航运输业的迅速发展,再加上我国空域管理的特殊国情,在部分空域和机场会出现空中交通流量拥挤现象。
With the accomplishment of this system , the level of airspace management and evaluation is improved , and the means of airspace management and evaluation is enhanced . at the same time , the general protective ability of airspace management system can be improved 同时,空域管理与评估系统的实现,将大大提高我国空域管理和评估的水平,加强空域管理和评估的手段,提高空域管理系统的综合保障能力。
The research on airspace management and evaluation system will lay a substantial academic and pratical foundation for ensuring air traffic security and making sufficient and effective use of airspace resource , and it has important social effect and practical value 对空域管理与评估系统进行研究,将为保障空中交通安全和充分有效地利用有限的空域资源奠定坚实的理论和实践基础,具有重大的社会意义和实用价值。
It mainly consists the following 4 parts : firstly , we introduce asmes briefly and analyze the development situation of this domain in our country and the others . it is shown that the study and design of asmes is imperative under the situation 本文主要由以下四个部分组成:第一部分,对空域管理和评估系统作了简要概述,分析了该领域内当前国内、外发展的概况,并说明空域管理与评估系统的研究与开发已势在必行的。
Thirdly , according to the integrated design of asmes , we confirm the critical technologies of the system . they include three - tier architecture , middleware and the correlative technologies of database , such as the technology of nested table and the programming implementation of data exchange between the database and another one . then , we illustrate and analyze these technologies 第三部分,根据系统总体设计,确定面临的关键技术,主要包括三层结构、空域管理与评估系统的设计和实现中间件技术和数据库的相关技术,如异种数据库的数据交换的编程实现和嵌套表技术,并对各项关键技术进行概述和分析。
This thesis discusses the research and development on some critical parts in airspace management and evaluation system , including mainly the following contents : design the architecture of airspace management and evaluation system . design and realize the event log middleware and event log module based on middleware technology . design and realize the core and nodus of airspace management and evaluation system - airspace data access based on object oriented technology and nested table technology 本文对空域管理与评估系统的一些关键问题进行了研究和开发,主要包括以下几个方面的内容:设计空域管理与评估系统的体系结构提出并实现了基于中间件技术的日志中间件及日志维护模块采用面向对象技术和嵌套表技术设计和实现了空域管理与评估系统中的核心和难点? ?空域数据访问