written adj. 写成的,书面的;笔记的,成文的。 A written application 书面申请;申请书。 A written contract 书面契约,章程。 A written examination 笔试。 Written language 书写语言,书面语。 Written law 成文法。 A written will 遗嘱。
report vt. 1.告知,报告,汇报;报导(新闻、调查结果等);发表,公布,发表公报。 2.传达(人的话);转述;传说,传闻;品评。 3.记录(讲演等以备发表)。 4.(向当局)报到(等);揭发,告发(某人不法行为等)。 It is reported that .... 据说…,据传…。 He was reported killed. 据说他已阵亡[被杀]。 reported speech 【语法】间接引语。 be badly (well) reported of 名气坏[好]。 move to report progress (以防碍议事为目的而)提议中止讨论。 report oneself 报到,到差;出席。 report progress 报告经过。 vi. 1.报告,呈报,回报 (on) 作报告,打报告,就…提出报告 (on upon)。 2.(新闻记者)采访,访问,通讯,报导。 3.报到,到差。 report for duty 报到,上班,上工。 report for the Times 担任泰晤士报的通讯记者,给泰晤士报写通讯。 report to at 到…报到;到校,上学。 report to the police 向警察报告。 n. 1.(调查、研究后的)报告(书) (on); (政府机关等的)公报;(学校的)成绩报告单;(报纸等的)通讯,报导。 2.【议会】记录;速记;【法律】〔pl.〕审判记录;意见书;(给上级法院的)申请书,案件[判例]汇编。 3.传说,传闻,社会上的评论,名气,名声。 4.响声,爆炸声,枪炮声。 idle reports 无根据的传说。 a matter of common report 大家都知道的传闻。 The rifle went off with a loud report. 枪砰的一声打了出去。 a report on 关于…的报告。 as report has it [goes] 据说。 have a good [bad] report (学生)成绩好[不好]。 make report 报告(调查结果等)。 of good report 名声好的,评价好的。 The report goes [runs, has it] that .... 据说,据传。 through good and evil report 不顾毁誉褒贬;不管名声好坏。
For this purpose they chose a capable officer , bolhovitinov , who was to take a written report , and to explain the whole matter verbally 为此,选派了一名精明强干的军官博尔霍维季诺夫,他除了呈递书面报告外,还要在口头上能把全部情况报告清楚。
It must be shown in class and be accompanied by a written report on the project and any " discoveries " that you made while completing the project 学生必须在课堂上展示自己的作品,并附上书面报告,阐述作品,以及自己在作品制作过程中的“新发明” 。
The word document for the final written report must be delivered to the department of quality on time before the end of work on last day of the fifth month 成果发表会的口头报告powerpoint档案必须准时传给医品部在报告前一周星期五晚上23 : 59 : 59前
After finishing the assessment , the bid assessment committee shall give a written report thereon to the tenderer and recommend the qualified candidate winning bidders 评标委员会完成评标后,应当向招标人提出书面评标报告,并推荐合格的中标候选人。
Assessment methods such as written examination , written reports , projects and oral presentation were adopted to assess and monitor students progress and performance 教师以多元化的评估方法,例如笔试阅读报告专题研习等,评估学生的学习成果和进展。
Metrics , statistics , and summaries convey the progress being made as the test work progresses . they take the form of graphs , charts , and written reports 其它的所有方法、统计以及摘要用来传达整个测试工作的当前进展情况。它们以图表、报告的形式出现。
With regard to serious cases of violation of invoice management regulations which constitute crimes , tax authorities shall transfer written reports to judicial organs for treatment 对违反发票管理法规情节严重构成犯罪的,税务机关应当书面移送司法机关处理。
A wealth manager shall implement a check procedure to confirm whether a customer is involved in money laundering or unlawful transactions , and shall furnish a written report of confirmation 业务人员应针对客户有无涉及洗钱与不法交易执行检查程序并出具确认报告书。
The user who lost his / her laptop should submit the written report to the team leader , the business general manger in the division and mis manager within 7 days 在笔记本电脑遗失后的七天内,当事人需要就此事写书面报告,呈交给他们的业务组长,业务总经理和mis部门经理。