
type ii中文是什么意思

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  • 例句与用法
  • Many with type ii do not . instead , it can been controlled through diet , exercise and treatment , and people may be able to prevent it
  • Dr k says the message of world diabetes day is that the disease is manageable and , in the case of type ii diabetes , preventable
  • " obese people are more prone to type ii diabetes , which is a main cause of heart diseases , kidney diseases , stroke and blindness , " she said
  • Please refer to the annex of the legco brief file ref : ctb t 56 2 1 for the detailed explanation of the concept of type ii interconnection
    有关第ii类互连的概念的详细解释,请参阅立法会参考资料摘要的附件档号: ctb t 56 2 1 04
  • Result the physical parameters of two type ii biosafety cabinetries matched national standards , and gasoloid density was exceed 300 cfu / dish
    结果两种型号级生物安全柜的相关物理指标均符合国家标准,生物气溶胶攻击浓度均> 300cfu /皿。
  • Type ii ivdd is fibrous degeneration of disks and occurs in older dogs of all breeds , but generally only causes problems in large - breed dogs
  • The discovery health channel will show it on sunday . type ii diabetes used to appear mostly in adults , but now more and more children have it
  • Second annual meeting of world academy of traditional chinese medicine , paris , france in 1997 : clinical therapeutic effect analysis of kangfuyidao jiangtangwang on 1580 type ii diabetics
  • Now it is used in cryptography and corrspording field , specially , men study wiretap channel of type ii with maintain secrecy corresponding
    它在密码学通信领域有着重要的应用,特别是在研究第二窃密信道( wire - tapchanneloftype )时它与保密通信有关。
  • Black soya beans : recent studies published in the journal of science , food and agriculture showed results that black soya beans can reduce the risk of type ii diabetes
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type ii的中文翻译,type ii是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译type ii,type ii的中文意思,type ii的中文type ii in Chinesetype ii的中文type ii怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
