
to the extreme中文是什么意思

  • 极度地, 非常地
  • 走向极端



  • 例句与用法
  • Although the affiliated company has been a common economic phenomenon , with the command in the affiliated company and the aim that seeking forthe maximal profit of the group , the group profit of the affiliated company , in certain situation , dooms to conflict with the profits of single companies of the group . this situation may lead to the extreme upheaval of the contribution of the right and the profit ih the company , even may be danger to the company ' economic profit
  • As a long - term incentive and remuneration system provided by the enterprise owners to the managers , stock options can combine to the extreme extent the individual interests of managers with the whole interests and long - term interests of enterprise development and was put into effect successfully in the developed countries
  • The whether during the chung yeung festival period will be very hot , while both the cemetery and the bus stop it is anticipated that the weather during chung yeung festival period will be very hot , and as there is little shade available , grave sweepers are advised to make preparations to the extreme weather . grave sweepers are also reminded to remain clam during queuing , and follow instructions given by the police security personnel on ground
  • Would the departed never nowhere nohow reappear ? ever he would wander , selfcompelled , to the extreme limit of his cometary orbit , beyond the fixed stars and variable suns and telescopic planets , astronomical waifs and strays , to the extreme boundary of space , passing from land to land , among peoples , amid events
  • In order to ensure smooth operation of our tours , to - do travel requires exclusion of any person whose health makes them unsuitable for long trips . due to the extreme heat and humidity , we recommend that those who are planning to travel to southeast asia consult with their physicians before departure , especially those with high blood pressure , heart conditions , or respiratory conditions
  • In this way , we can manage private keys securely and effectively . having deeply studied the private key management , the author designs a private key management system in this paper . the , author also analyses the risks of the process of private key management from the point of view of system and puts forward the method of decreasing the risk to the extreme extent
  • The essence of the conflicts lies in the fact that the lawyer try to fulfill the litigants " rights to the extreme and at the same time stress on procedure justice and the justice of law , laying the litigants " rights on the first place , while the state organs emphasize the justice of law , and investigation of the accused ' s liabilities , laying the public interests and the social law and order on the first place
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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to the extreme的中文翻译,to the extreme是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译to the extreme,to the extreme的中文意思,to the extreme的中文to the extreme in Chineseto the extreme的中文to the extreme怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
