patch n. 1.补钉,补片;金属补片。 2.(军服上表示所属部队的布制)臂章。 3.饰颜片,美人斑〔17、18世纪时女人贴在脸上增加美观或掩饰疤痕等的小绸片等〕;(害眼病时用的)眼罩;(伤口上的)敷裹,膏药。 4.碎片;碎屑;(文章的)一段。 5.斑点,斑纹;【医学】斑。 6.小块地(上的庄稼)。 7.不中用的人,无聊的人,帮闲。 8.〔主英〕时期,季节。 a patch of potatoes 一块马铃薯地;一块地的马铃薯。 Don't put a patch upon it. 〔口语〕别再表白啦,别掩饰啦。 make a patch against 可与…相比。 not a patch on 〔口语〕比…差得远,远不及…。 strike a bad patch 〔口语〕倒霉。 vt. 1.修补,补缀;拼凑 (up)。 2.暂时遮掩一下 (together up) 修理;平息(吵架等)。 3.用美人斑装饰(脸)。 patch up 1. 结束,解决;制止。 2. 匆忙处理。 3. 拼凑。 n. 傻瓜。
Santino corleone : then business will have to suffer . and listen , do me a favour . no more advice on how to patch things up . just help me win 那生意必须要停,行吗?听着,帮我个忙,汤姆。别再建议我如何让事情过去。只要帮我赢,好吗?
Integrating library career , it sparkplugs some practical means , such as system innovation , layer management , being with " factor " to patch " void " and civilian - oriented services 并结合图书馆事业,倡导制度创新、业务分层、以“实”补“虚”和亲民服务的实践方法。
He expected to find her , to justify his return by claiming that he came to get the remaining portion of his wardrobe , and before he got away again to patch up a peace 他期望见到她在家,他将声称他是回来拿留下的衣服的。然后在离开以前,他将设法和她言归于好。
There must be some way round , some way to make her own up that he was right and she was wrong - to patch up a peace and shut out hurstwood for ever 一定会有什么解决的办法,有什么办法能让她承认自己不好,承认他是对的-他们就可以言归于好,把赫斯渥永远排除出去了。
With such a small mana pool , and little to no mana regen , we can hop in to patch heal while priests are regening , but why have an entire tree of our talents dedicated to patch healing 短蓝条低回兰,使我们在牧师回兰的时候充当替补治疗,但为啥我们一整条天赋树都只为了作个二奶?
The results showed that the seed banks and the seed movement in these patches were very similar to each other , and to some extent the seed movement was related to patch - side vegetation there 研究结果表明:样地间种子流种类与数量上相似性很高,且种子流与周围植被具有一定的相关性。
Operational ; by using an init wrapper , we avoided having to patch the kernel , tweak our startup scripts , or deal with having only a semi - operational devfs system 可操作了;通过使用初始封装器,我们不必给内核打补丁,不必修改启动脚本,也不必为只有一半可操作的devfs系统而伤脑筋了。
And when you are upset they stand by you , when you are in a good mood they happily bask in that moment , and when the world seems to crumble at the seams they scurry to patch it up 还有,当?失意时他们会陪在?身边,当?心情愉快时他们也会感到快乐,当?眼前的世界即将崩毁时,他们也会立即为?填补。
Jesus is saying that the teaching of the true gospel is not to patch up a weakness or hole in a man ' s clothing which in the parable stands for his covering for sin or his old religion 耶稣说真正的福音的教训并不是用来缝补一个人衣服上的破洞的,衣服在这个比喻中喻表遮盖罪的或是一个人旧的信仰。