space n. 1.空间;太空。 2.空隙,空地;场地;(火车轮船飞机中的)座位;余地;篇幅。 3.空白;间隔;距离。 4.(一段)时间;片刻;一会儿。 5.【音乐】(谱表的)线间空白,线间;区间。 6.【印刷】隔条,衬条,空铅;空铅间隔;印刷物(或书写)的行间空白,打字稿一格或一行的宽度。 7.【电学】开键。 8.电台(电视)为广告节目留出的时间。 9.〔美国〕一年徒刑。 celestial space 天空。 outer space 外层空间;星际[宇宙]空间,外太空。 leave a space 留空白。 blank space 空白。 an open space 空地。 a dangerous space 危险区域。 a delivery space 扩散器。 a compression space 高压室。 S- forbids. 限于篇幅。 a long [short] space 长[短]时间。 Let us rest a space. 休息一会儿吧。 Your luggage occupies too much space. 你的行李占地太多了。 The reading room affords an ample space for 500 people. 阅览室面积可能容五百人。 Please leave a wider space between the lines. 行间的空请留得大一些。 vanish into space 在空中消失。 the space of (多少年)之间。 for a space 暂时。 for the space of a mile [two years] 一英里的距离[两年]间。 in space 片刻就,一会儿就。 vt.,vi. 留间隔;【印刷】行间[字间]衬空铅。 In designing the houses, space out them from 10 to 12 yards apart. 在设计房子时,家与家之间留间隔十至十二码。 spaced crop 宽行栽培。 spaced emphasis 加宽字母间间隔所表示的强调。 space out 【印刷】加宽行间[词间]间隔排匀。
Use this space for detailed answers ; number answers to correspond with questions . use extra blank pages , if necessary 此栏用于填写详细情况,请保证答案序号与问题一致。可另付纸。
But , there were other echoes , from a distance , that rumbled menacingly in the corner all through this space of time 但是在这整个时期,却也有别的回声在那街角气势汹汹地隆隆作响。
It ` s pretty drab in here … but the good news is my interior decorator could do wonders with this space 这里的确单调的很…不过也有个好消息,我的室内设计师会在这块空间里大有作为的。
The article in this space was quoted by several classic music forums in a short time , again , caught a lot of fans ' eye 该博客在短时间内被多个古典音乐论坛转载,再次吸引了大批乐迷的眼球。
Mark : look at all this space we have here . you may be right to suggest building rather than renting a new warehouse 马克:看看我们所拥有的这块土地,你提仪兴建一栋新仓库而不要租仓库,或许是对的。
In submitting this space application form , the exhibitor hereby agrees to accept all the terms stated in the conditions of participation 本单位提交此参展申请表格,并同意接受所有附带的《参展条件》
Sparse files are of interest to applications that require a large logical space but only use a small subset of this space 稀疏文件适合需要大的逻辑空间但只使用这个空间的一个(少量)子集的应用程序。
Everything is , as it were , in a space of possible atomic facts ; i can think of this space as empty , but not of the thing without the space 想象这样的空间为空,我却无法想象一个无原子事实空间可依的事物。
Thatcher has said she will abolish the rating system . watch this space , she won ' t . no one will . no ever 撒切尔说过她将废除评估财产的课税现值体制。注意:她不会这么做的。没有有人会这么做。从来没有哪位做过。
I have stopped updating this space for quite a long time , and my writings and translations are kept posting in my blog , most of which are bilingual 我已经很久不再更新这个空间,我的文字和翻译贴在我的博客上。