
television channel中文是什么意思

  • 电视频道
  • 电视台
  • 电视信道



  • 例句与用法
  • Note : a ) the statistic scope of television has been adjusted since 2001 . b ) provincial statistics excluded television channels at county level in 2002 , including some self - produced programs only
    注: 1 、 2001年起电视事业统计口径有变动。 2 、 2002年全省取消县级电视频道,只保留部分自办节目播出时间。
  • It supports 32mbps of data rate in an 8mhz television channel , and provides functions of assigning band via channel and sub - channel , adjusting program transfer rate by software
  • It has certain rights to place advertisement in several major television channels in china during the airtime of a television platform known as " qin jia yuan drama time "
  • To require the two multiplex licensees as mentioned in paragraph 2 . 21 to carry the existing free - to - air analogue television channels free of charge until the analogue services are switched off ( paragraph 7 . 7 )
  • Ge would then have combined dow jones with its nbc universalunit , in part to stave off competition from news corp . , which isplanninga business television channel to rival ges cnbc
  • Tvbi company limited ( tvbi ) , tvb s international operating arm , was established to develop programme - licensing , video rental business and to operate cable and satellite television channels in overseas markets
  • On saturday , the bbc parliament digital television channel will broadcast the full seven hours and 40 minutes of the archive footage of live coverage of the day of diana ' s funeral at precisely the same time as it was originally shown
    周六, bbc “议会数字电视频道”将播出长达7小时零40分钟的戴安娜葬礼录像,播出时间与10年前的实况时间完全一致。
  • The front this week issued the second broadcast of a weekly web news program called voice of the caliphate , which it says aims to combat anti - qaeda " lies and propaganda " on major global and arab television channels such as cnn and al jazeera
    一家阿拉伯文报纸日前报道说, “基地”组织在互联网上刊登招聘启事,欲招聘网络编辑帮助该组织在网上发表文字和制作视频节目。
  • By contrast , the survey of 2 , 021 people carried out for british television channel uktv food showed that 40 percent of over - 60s here were aware of bath chaps while a third of older respondents recognised jugged hare
    与此形成鲜明对比的是,在参与调查的60岁以上老年人中,有40的人知道“ bath chaps ”在年龄更大的人中,有三分之一的被调查者知道“ jugged hare ”这道菜。
  • " the story was exaggerated : he will simply come to us and play for one of our youth sides this season , that is all , " hoeness told german television channel ard at half - time in bayern ' s german cup tie at burghausen
    “这件事被夸大了:他只是来到我们这里,参加我们一支青年队的本赛季的比赛,仅此而已, ”赫内斯在拜仁德国杯客场对布格豪森比赛中场接受德国ard电视台采访时表示。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 英文解释
  • a television station and its programs; "a satellite TV channel"; "surfing through the channels"; "they offer more than one hundred channels"
    同义词:channel, TV channel,

  • 百科解释
A television channel is a physical or virtual channel over which a television station or television network is distributed. For example, in North America, "channel 2" refers to the broadcast or cable band of 54 to 60 MHz, with carrier frequencies of 55.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
television channel的中文翻译,television channel是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译television channel,television channel的中文意思,television channel的中文television channel in Chinesetelevision channel的中文television channel怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
