
take root中文是什么意思

  • 生根,被牢固树立



  • 例句与用法
  • In days to come jacob will take root , israel will bud and blossom and fill all the world with fruit
  • Hum ! cried colonel proctor ; but we are not going to stay here , i imagine , and take root in the snow
    普洛克托上校叫着说, “我们走不成了,我看咱们只好在这雪地上扎根儿了! ”
  • A lover ' s hope resembles the bean in the nursery tale , - let it once take root , and it will grow so rapidly
    情人的希望宛如童话中讲的那颗豆子- -一旦它生了根,就会飞速地成长。
  • After he won a singing competition in 1961 , pavarotti ' s career took root in small european opera houses
  • Morocco is deeply affected by romans and arabian and their culture takes root deeply in the tradition
  • But the measures we will take to stimulate growth can only take root if grounded in a stable foundation
  • But the measures we will take to stimulate growth can only take root if grounded in a stable foundation
  • Once you know a certain balance between the positive and the negative is needed , you take root in the existence
  • The influence taken root a stage set an micro - environment change on tissue culture seedlings of moth orchid to tame to turn a stage
  • Yellow signifies the earth from which a plant sprouts and takes root as the taekwon - do foundation is being laid
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 英文解释
  • 百科解释
Take Root, a non-profit organization established on a grant from the United States Department of Justice,Take Root official web site home page See note in lower left-hand corner of home page; retrieved October 19, 2007copy of blank DOJ Grant application pdfOffice of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Programs government web site retrieved October 19, 2007Practitioner Resources web site on grants retrieved October 19, 2007 is the first missing-child organization ever founded by former abducted children. Incorporated in 2005, over three hundred former abducted children have participated, providing peer support to fellow former abducted children, advocating on child-abduction issues from the child-victim's perspective, and providing landmark information on the victimology of child-abduction to multidisciplinary professionals, impacted families, and the public.
  • 其他语种释义
  • take rootとは意味:(種子{しゅし}?接ぎ木などが)根付く{ねづく}、(習慣{しゅうかん}?人気{にんき}などが)定着{ていちゃく}する If you don't get off that sofa soon, you are going to take root. そのソファからすぐに離れないと、根が生えちゃうよ。 These runners will take root to produce new plants...
  • 推荐英语阅读
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