
t c中文是什么意思

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  • Provides the services to you , subject to the following terms and conditions of use " t c " , which may be updated and revised by us from time to time by posting the revised version at the websites
  • T c tower , jointly financed by thun - in construction co . , and chen - tai cement co . , is located in the kao - hsiung harber area . this 384 meter - high building is the highest building in asia , and the fourth highest in the whole world
    T c大楼由东云建设与建台水泥斥资兴建,建筑面积达几十万坪,雄峙于高雄市港区,楼高八十五层384m ,为亚洲第一,全世界第四支摩天大楼。
  • Despite our differences in careers and backgrounds , we are close friends that share a common interest in photography . scs has the best instructors . mr t c lai , the former director , is himself an expert in literature and art , mr pang remarked
  • A matbemat ic model combi ni ng task manager and carri er mdnklger l s establ ished to improve the di spatching efficiency . a rcki l ll1 ( ) dc l ca1 cu ldt ing val idates that genetic algori thm is dn et ' fect ive meth ( ) d l ' ( ) r a ( i / d i s pkl t c h i ng
  • The director mr t c lai and other former instructors were top - notch translators and experts in art and literature . i was glad that i had the opportunity to learn from these world - class translation experts . the experience had helped me tremendously in my quest for knowledge and in my career
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