
service field中文是什么意思

  • 服务领域



  • 例句与用法
  • In reality , because of the inertia thinking of the all - round country , there is very strong administrative color in the modern operation of the third sector . the monopoly of the government still exists in public articles and the service field , there is no normal and high - efficient its doing in public resource distribution of full play in the third sector
  • Based in california , usa , mamakall communication inc . is an innovative pioneer in value added telecommunication service field especially focusing on voip devices research and development . the company has experienced dramatic growth since its incoporation as customers all over the world love our service and product of hasslefree installation and so easy to use
    Mamakall communication inc .总部设在美国加州,是电信增值服务领域的技术创新先锋,专注于互联网语音产品的研发。公司自成立以来发展神速。全球范围内的客户都喜爱我们安装便利,使用简单的产品。
  • In order to offer our qualitied service facing our clients , improve shangri - la customer service in china , then to gain more and more new clients in their field . therefore , this artile mainly searched the hilton hotel , which is number one in their customer service fields , for finding out where its fault is being by comparing with it . finally to improve their customer service accordingly
  • Practical legal knowledge is emphasized ; prominent scholars from overseas universities and institutes are invited to lectures and study meetings , enabling students to benefit from the latest research . graduates of the program have made their mark in academia , business , and public service fields
    本所也强调实用的法律常识邀请海外大学知名学者来演讲及举办学会研究会议使学生能够从最新的研究中获益而与会的人士于与会后在其本身的领域学校商务或公共服务里无形中提升自己的价? 。
  • The author argues that in mental health and other service fields for social work whether the working staff can offer real service depends on whether they are able to realize the existence of and exclude the interference of cultural factors , and form the true understanding on the basis of subject with each other
  • Finance company is a special financial institution which emerged with the development of corporation group . when a company becomes bigger and bigger , and turns into a conglomeration , it is necessary that its financial business be managed with professional and uniform policy . the main service field shall be the centralized control of money , clients " credit , and capital management
  • Under new circumstances , the rural agricultural extension organizations in yi zheng innovating development direction , extending service field , converting the extension way , positively exploring many innovating development modes : agent - farm mode , booking agriculture mode , setting up agricultural s & t corporation mode , establishing s & t demonstration district mode , agriculture specialization service mode etc , and got fruitful outcome . to some extent , it also has its value on the reform and development of rural agricultural extension organizations
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service field的中文翻译,service field是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译service field,service field的中文意思,service field的中文service field in Chineseservice field的中文service field怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
