When the report is ready to be published , the report server administrator can move the report to a deployment folder 在准备好要发布该报表时,报表服务器管理员可以将其移动到部署文件夹中。
If you need information about how to log on to the computer running sql server , contact the server administrator 如果您需要有关如何登录到运行sql server的计算机的信息,请联系服务器管理员。
You should change this port number only if the ftp server administrator indicates that the server listens on a different port 只有在ftp服务器管理员指示服务器侦听其他端口时,才应该更改此端口号。
Contact your team foundation server administrator and review the number of unique users on the team foundation server 请联系team foundation server管理员并检查team foundation服务器上的唯一用户数量。
Contact your team foundation server administrator and review the number of team projects on the team foundation server 请联系team foundation server管理员并检查team foundation服务器上的团队项目数量。
Report server administrators can use the tools provided in sql server 2005 to manage a reporting services installation 报表服务器管理员可以使用sql server 2005中提供的工具来管理reporting services系统。
Except for report server administrators , other users cannot access the contents of the my reports folder that belongs to you 除了报表服务器管理员之外,其他用户都无法访问您的“我的报表”文件夹中的内容。
Contact your team foundation server administrator and review the number of documents stored on the team foundation server 请联系team foundation server管理员并检查存储在team foundation服务器上的文档数量。
Ts server administrators , at their discretion , can " ban " a member who is not following the rules in this section , e . g . 7 . 8 Ts服务器管理员,有权对不遵守本规则规定的成员,依据其独立的判断,给予断线的处罚。
Use this page to specify the user and group accounts belonging to the server administrator role for an analysis services instance 使用此页可为analysis services实例指定属于服务器管理员角色的用户帐户和组帐户。