He was supported by rwanda during the years of civil war in which almost 4 million people died in congo 他在国内战争时期被卢旺达支持,并且在国内战争时期,大约有300万人在刚果死去。
Scadalous , i ran contra - bomber , stalker like rebels of rwanda death before dishonor , snake charmer , persona of one who makes drama (齐) oh爱一个人有缤纷心情看世界彷佛都透过水晶
Both nigeria and rwanda have fledgling programmes of this type that involve both government subsidy and market providers 尼日利亚和卢旺达己经在试验这种融合政府资金和市场因素的医疗体系。
Josh ruxin is a columbia university expert on public health who has spent the last couple of years living in rwanda 约翰?拉辛是哥伦比亚大学公共卫生专家,过去几年他一直生活工作在卢旺达。
The xo laptop is currently being tested in cambodia , thailand , rwanda , ethiopia , uruguay , brazil and peru Xo型手提电脑最近在柬普赛、泰国、卢旺达、埃塞尔比亚、乌拉圭、巴西和秘鲁进行测试。
Resource scarcities are a root cause of the violent conflicts that have convulsed civil society in rwanda , haiti , and chiapas 然而假如我们希望避免未来的威胁,就必须在此坚固的基础上继续努力。
The xo laptop is currently being tested in cambodia , thailand , rwanda , ethiopia , uruguay , brazil and peru Xo这种笔记本电脑现在正在柬埔寨,泰国,卢旺达,埃塞俄比亚,乌拉圭,巴西和秘鲁进行测试。
From the countries of the war - ravaged great lakes region , such as congo and rwanda , nairobi appears an oasis of calm 与饱受战乱之苦的刚果和卢旺达等大湖地区国家相比,内罗毕似乎是一片平静的绿洲。