

音标:[ 'ru:pi: ]   发音:
  • n.



  • 例句与用法
  • Goldman sachs group inc . was fined 10 million rupees ( $ 216 , 268 ) for violating india ' s securities rules , the regulator for nation ' s capital markets said
    印度资本市场监管机构称,美高盛公司因违反印度相关证券法律被监管机构罚款1000万卢比(合21 . 6268万美元) 。
  • Perhaps a hundred rupees was a lot of money then , perhaps equivalent to a hundred or even a thousand u . s . dollars today . money was more valuable at that time
  • He could barely hang on to a branch and yelled for help . at that time , the spirit of the goddess durga spoke through the coconut farmer , demanding a hundred rupees to save him
  • By abandoning its attempt to hold the rupee down against the dollar , the rbi is now able to regain control over monetary policy and so focus on containing inflation
  • He met a friend , who asked where he was going . he told his friend the whole story , and that he was going to buy a five - rupee item as an offering to the goddess
  • " it ' s lost more than 10 percent against the british pound , " he said . " and lo and behold , the indian rupee - if you had been holding indian rupees - you would have made 13 percent .
    一位保守派共和党人开始呼吁公众对美金疲软的关注: "美金, "他说, "兑欧元已经下跌了9 % ,对其它货币更甚.
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 英文解释
  • the basic unit of money in India; equal to 100 paise
    同义词:Indian rupee,

  • the basic unit of money in Pakistan; equal to 100 paisa
    同义词:Pakistani rupee,

  • the basic unit of money in Mauritius; equal to 100 cents
    同义词:Mauritian rupee,

  • the basic unit of money in Nepal; equal to 100 paisa
    同义词:Nepalese rupee,

  • the basic unit of money in Seychelles; equal to 100 cents
    同义词:Seychelles rupee,

  • the basic unit of money in Sri Lanka; equal to 100 cents
    同义词:Sri Lanka rupee,

  • 百科解释
This article is about the currency used in various countries in Asia.
  • 其他语种释义
  • rupeeとは意味:{名} : ルピー、ルピー貨◆貨幣単位。インドおよびパキスタンでは、1 rupee=100 paisa。スリランカでは、1 rupee=100 cents◆【略】r ; R ; re ; Re -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】ru':pi:、【@】ルピー、【変化...
  • 推荐英语阅读
rupee的中文翻译,rupee是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译rupee,rupee的中文意思,rupee的中文rupee in Chineserupee的中文rupee怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
