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  • 例句与用法
  • He wrote prolifically , intensely , from morning till night , and late at night , except when he broke off to go to the reading - room , draw books from the library , or to call on ruth
  • This thesis explores the method by awaking to the advantages of circulating necessary funds of cognition and leasing computer equipment by circulating necessary funds for the electronic reading - room
  • The many hours he was not with ruth he devoted to the " love - cycle , " to reading at home , or to the public reading - rooms , where he got more closely in touch with the magazines of the day and the nature of their policy and content
  • This paper has analyzed the reason of computer crash from both hardware and software , and proposed its solutions . these methods have offered references for the computer maintenance , and enabled the electronic reading - room to serve readers even better
  • The school has complete teaching equipment , including a broadcasting tv station , library , electronic reading - room , psychology consultancy lab , campus network , pottery room , piano center , dancing room , interior tennis court , and basketball court
  • He spent long hours in the free reading - room , going over what others had written , studying their work eagerly and critically , comparing it with his own , and wondering , wondering , about the secret trick they had discovered which enabled them to sell their work
  • Based on the reality at the library of baoji college of arts and science , the basic principles and types of multimedia reading - room is analyzed , and the design of the multimedia reading - room network system and hardware installment and the steps of carrying out it is offered
  • It was with regret that he ceased from writing to study , that he ceased from study to go to the library , that he tore himself away from that chart - room of knowledge or from the magazines in the reading - room that were filled with the secrets of writers who succeeded in selling their wares
  • He would write an adventure story for boys and sell it to the youth s companion . he went to the free reading - room and looked through the files of the youth s companion . serial stories , he found , were usually published in that weekly in five instalments of about three thousand words each
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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