We can get communication traffic distribution graph combined with network topology , to make certain hypothesis and then , according to mark - num algorithm , to get the maximum network traffic 论文结合对计算机网络拓朴的研究,通过分析得出了网络的交通流量分布图。根据标数算法,求出网络最大流量。
This is a common way to signal users that keys such as the caps lock , num lock , or scroll lock are enabled , or to provide the date or a clock as a convenient reference 这是一种用于执行以下任务的常用方式:通知用户启用了caps lock 、 num lock或scroll lock之类的键,或者将日期或时钟作为方便的引用来提供。
In chapter 7 , we combine the monte carlo simulation and optimiza - tion . we first introduce the monte carlo simulation of light transport in tissue , explain how to generate the random num 首先我们介绍了光在组织中传播的蒙特仁罗模拟的完整过程,解释了如何利用第2章中介绍的随机数生成方法根据实际问题产生随机数。
Moganshan food industry co . , ltd is a enterprise to proecss fruit . " moganshan " brand series candied fruit is well - received by num erous people and won - the gold prize of province highquality ag - ricultural products in 1998 year 莫干山食业有限公司是水果加工企业,生产的“莫干山”牌系列蜜饯为广大群众喜爱, 98年获省优质农产品金奖。
In experiments , the energy band structures of l - - d pc and 1 - - d pc sl are researched . we get the relation between the band gap width and the num - ber of the iayers , dielectric indices contrast , midgap wave - - length 在实验工作中,研究了一维光子晶体的能带结构,得到了带隙宽度随介质层数、介质折射率、中心波长变化的关系曲线。
Not satisfied by measuring ambient temperature with an obsolete system , ameri - cans invented the wind - chill factor , which combines degrees fahrenheit with air velocity to create a num - ber that ' s much more impressive 美国人不满足于用过时的系统来衡量温度,因此发明了风寒因素,即把华氏度与空气速度结合在一起,所得数字给人的印象要深刻得多。