
now playing中文是什么意思

  • 现正收听的音乐



  • 例句与用法
  • Television is now playing a very important part in our life . but television , like other things , has both advantages and disadvantages . do the former outweigh the latter
  • With the development of computer - aided teaching and online learning , courseware - making system based on network is now playing a more and more important role in language teaching
  • Using wireless lan capabilities , and with self - designed characters , the player can now play a relaxing “ everybody ' s golf ” tournament any time , anywhere
  • Tony parker is now playing the best basketball of his life , and is being talked about in terms of being the finals mvp - potentially the first european player to ever win the award
    帕克打出了职业生涯最佳水平,人们都在谈论他当选总决赛mvp的问题? ?极有可能是第一位获此殊荣的欧洲球员。
  • All they point to now is a pistons team that is the most consistent in the eastern conference throughout the regular season and have another big name now playing the center position in chris webber
  • Her lecture tour , which caused a sensation around the world , sowed many spiritual seeds that have since germinated and are now playing a great role in elevating the spiritual consciousness of the world
  • Since its launch , nextour has drawn a lot of attention from the market with its rapid growth and now plays a leading role in the korean on - line travel market with its top brand awareness
  • " this game is going to be completely different to the last one ( at sheffield in november ) because we ' re now playing for points that might settle a lot of issues
    "今晚将是一场跟第一阶段完全不一样的比赛我们信心很足因?我们知道我们掌握著联赛冠军的主动权剩下的六场比赛我们会尽力全都赢下来. . ! !
  • With students at the controls - most of whom were not born when the show began its run - the pas de deux of light and music now played on oldies stations still draws a mix of generations
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 推荐英语阅读
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