
no air中文是什么意思

  • 车胎无气



  • 例句与用法
  • “ it ' s quite noisy , and you stand up all day , 12 hours , and there ' s no air - conditioning , ” he said . “ we get paid by the piece we make but they never told us how much
    “环境很吵,而你却要整天忍受,一天工作12小时,并且厂房中没有空调, ”他说, “我们是计件发工资,可他们从来不告诉我们干了多少。
  • To avoid foods drying out in the crisper compartments , if you close the vent so that no air is allowed to escape , then the foods will remain moist for longer periods of time
  • The pneumatic marker - made machine tool runs well with reliable hardware , which is provided with some characteristics , such as no air pollution , rapid speed , high precision . so the prospective design aim can be realized
  • There is no air between the wire and hull to increase the dimension for quick heat transpiring and decrease the rising of wire temperature . the junction is combined from two directions thus to double the contact dimension and decrease the temperature of wire and junctions
  • At last the dynamics of trailer is analysed when trouble is take place including the lateral stability when the anti yaw dampers become ineffective , the ride index when airsprings have no air and the negotiation when the trailer runs on the curve the tilting actuator does n ' t work or work in the contrary direction
  • So you see , even such a tiny baby must make the breakthrough when the time comes . originally , he lives like a fish in his mother s womb where there is no air , no sunshine and no material contact . after he is born , he has to live in a totally different world where everything is just the opposite
  • No air - conditioning or other units shall without the prior written consent of the manager be installed through any window or external wall of the building other than at places designated for such purpose and all possible measures shall be taken to prevent excessive noise , condensation or dripping on to any part of the land and the building
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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no air的中文翻译,no air是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译no air,no air的中文意思,no air的中文no air in Chineseno air的中文no air怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
