He was above sex or he was waiting for a movie star or he was a fairy or something . 他是超越于性之上的,要不他在等待一个电影明星,要不他准是个神仙什么的。
The plot was simple but moving . also , every scene in the movie looked very realistic . 那部电影的剧情很简单,但是很感人,而且电影里的每一景看起来都很逼真。
The few treats most students could afford were occasional visits to the movies or the theater . 学生们能担负得起的几种请客方式,就是偶尔地去一趟电影院或剧院。
The president called kennedy in and suggested he terminate his association with the glamorous movie star . 总统召见肯尼迪,建议他中断与这位迷人的电影明星的关系。
She signed dozens of petitions and tried to get the important people in the movie business to sign them, too . 她在几十份请愿书上签了名,还想争取电影业中的要人签名。
This character type is portrayed in literature and movies as the detached and often aloof professor . 这种性格在文学作品中和电影中被刻画成超脱的、往往不与人来往的教授。
Movie scripts, football plays, and musical scores are all programs written by humans to be followed by humans . 电影剧本、足球比赛和音乐乐谱都是由人们所编制而为人们所遵循的程序。
The scene around the wrecked tractor-trailer transport looked like a staged disaster for a wide screen movie . 那辆出事的牵引拖车周围的光景,就象是专为拍摄宽银幕电影而布置出来的一场灾难。
There are many important actors and actresses whose personalities determine the style and tone of the movies in which they appear . 许多著名男女演员的性格往往决定了他们主演的电影的风格和基调。
movieとは意味:movie n. 《米口語》 映画. 【動詞+】 ◆critically acclaimed movies 批評家の絶賛を博した映画 ◆attend the movies 映画を見に行く ◆complete a movie 映画を完成する ◆The movie will be directed by…. その映画は…が監督することになろう ◆make a good movie よい映画を作る; (...