
machu picchu中文是什么意思

  • 玛丘匹克丘〔秘鲁中南部古印坎城遗迹〕(= Machupicchu)。



  • 例句与用法
  • The new7wonders of the world , in random order , are : the great wall of china , petra , chich n itz , the statue of christ redeemer , the colosseum , machu picchu and the taj mahal
    被评选出来的新的世界七大奇迹为(名次不分先后) :中国长城、约旦红玫瑰古城、墨西哥玛雅古城、巴西基督像、意大利古罗马斗兽场、秘鲁天空之城和印度泰姬陵。
  • In this century , both architectural theory and practice , technology and perfection of architecture , city planning and landscape . “ athens chapter ” and “ machu picchu chapter ” are milestones of the construction history of architecture and city
  • Machu picchu , the " lost city of the incas " , as it was dubbed by the man who rediscovered it in the last century , is among the greatest tourist attractions in south america today and ranks among the most outstanding symbols in the andean cultures
    马丘比丘在上个世纪被再度发掘出来,发掘者称之为“印加失落之城” ,它是当今南美顶级旅游胜地之一,是安第斯多种文明中最为耀眼的象征之一。
  • Less frightening episodes came as the children wandered round the an - dean city of machu picchu , followed in the footsteps of charles darwin on the galapagos islands and travelled 6 , 000 miles on the trans siberian ex - press from china to moscow
  • The lost city of the incas , machu picchu , lay hidden amid peru ' s misty peaks for three centuries , until its discovery in 1911 by hiram bingham , who then led three national geographic - yale university expeditions to the site , in 1912 , 1914 and 1915
    秘鲁马丘比丘的印加古城一直不为世人所知, 3个世纪以来始终躺在薄雾覆盖的群山之中,直到1911年被希拉姆?秉汉姆发现,希拉姆?秉汉姆曾于1912 、 1914和1915年率领国家地理学会与耶鲁大学的探险队到该古城探险。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 百科解释
Machu Picchu (, , "Old Peak") is a 15th-century Inca site located above sea level.UNESCO World Heritage Centre.
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