I think that, henceforth, nothing but some extraordinary jarring of that chord could renew it . 我以为今后除了那心弦受了某种非常的震撼,没有什么能够使它复发的。
He caught up a jar and a small spoon, and began ladling snuff into his nose in most excessive quantities . 他抓起一个瓶子和一把小匙,把大量的鼻烟往自己的鼻子里塞进去。
Use a filter funnel and paper to filter the mixture of copper sulphate, sand and water into a second jar . 用过滤漏斗和过滤纸把硫酸铜、砂子和水的混合物过滤到另一个广口瓶里。
Regardless of the formula, the milled load in the jars must be adjusted so that it is neither too thin nor too thick . 不论配方如何,罐中的研磨料必须调整至既不太稀也不得太稠。
Still the images of the vision she despised jarred and distressed her like painful and cruel cries . 然而,她所轻视的这幻景的形象,仍然象痛苦而残酷的呼唤那样,折磨着她,刺激着她。
He had hardly deemed her a woman, wingless and earthly, subject to household conditions and domestic jars . 他几乎没把她看作是一个普通的女人:没长翅膀,属于尘世,在繁琐俗务的和家庭的龃龉中间生活。
So soon as we were seated an earthenware jar was passed round containing a fermented fluid of by no means unpleasant taste . 我们刚刚坐好,一只装满了发过酵的液体的罐子便沿圈子传开了。这液体闻着怪香的。
The 1912 battery had 12 small cells, each consisting of three plates in a small hard rubber jar with a soft rubber cover . 1912年的那只蓄电池有12个单体,每个单体由三片极板组成,装在小的带软胶盖的硬橡胶壳内。
Swimming provides a good workout for the heart and lungs without jarring or putting an undue strain on any part of the body . 游泳可以给心脏和肺部提供一种好的体育锻炼,而不致刺激人体任何部位或在任何部位产生一种不适当的劳损。