Brother hsieh and his wife promptly borrowed a room in which to meditate , to thank master for protecting their family from the threat of the mountain torrents and mudslide . they also prayed that master would turn away any further danger 谢师兄夫妇赶紧借用邻居的房间打坐,感谢师父的照顾,让他们一家人能在洪水土石流中,平安地下山,也祈求师父能化险为夷!
Fengyi lin , chin hsien hsieh , “ an evaluation of business information system ' s internal control - using cobit framework ” , international conference on accounting and finance in transitional economies , center for accounting studies , xiamen uiniverity november 2003 , china 林凤仪、张石柱、陈佩瑜, ”会计师评估资讯技术内部控制之探讨” , 2003年管理思维与实务学术研讨会, 2003年6月。
Director hsieh further acknowledged that he was inspired to join in the association s next cleaning project at the golden beach . together , they would do their part for environmental protection , and provide tainan citizens with a clean and beautiful area for recreation 谢局长还表示当看到同修这么用心在整理黄金海岸时,很希望自己下次也能参与其中,一起为环保尽一份心力,让台南市有美丽乾净的海滩可以供民众游憩。
It seemed that he had entered another dimension . sister hsieh s parents , both in their seventies , live in rockhill in a house that is very old . sister hsieh worried that her parents house could not withstand the devastating earthquake and she feared they might be buried in the ruins 一位谢师姊的父母住在石岗,他们都已是七十高,而且房子也已老旧过时,师姊很担心他们的房子恐怕无法禁得起如此激烈的强震,甚或已遭活埋。
Mr . hsieh observed that it is ideal for a civic group like ours to inspire public participation in environmental protection efforts , for such work is not only a task for the cleaning staff of the environmental protection bureau , but also the common duty of every citizen 他认为藉由像我们这样的民间团体来带动民众,一起推动环保的观念,是非常好的事情,因为环保的工作并非只是环保局清洁队员的工作,而是全体市民共同的责任。
He instructed the whole family to bring along their valuables , and they quickly went downhill to take refuge at their neighbor s home . brother hsieh took along his meditation cushion , and as he left , looked back and saw master s cds , audiotapes , and videotapes on the wooden floor of his japanese - style room 谢师兄赶紧拿着坐垫和家人往山下走,走出房门时,回头看着平放在日本和室地板上的师父开示cd片录音带录影带等,好心疼!