
green design中文是什么意思

  • 绿色设计



  • 例句与用法
  • The application of data house and petri web has been analyzed . finally , the application progress and method of petri web in green design system has been searched . 2
  • With the continuous enhancement of environmental protection requisitions , green design & green manufacturing are going to becoming the key technology for ecological industry and sustained development
  • Furthermore , a green product information model under mass customization mode was presented , and its supporting process to green design under mass customization mode was analyzed in detail
  • Enterprises want to own a share of the world market , want to obtain sustainable development , want to win in the competition , adopting green design and manufacturing technology is their optimum choice
  • Based on the subject research of green design of electromechanical products and requirement of design of green product , the following points are finished about design of disassembly of product : 1
    本文在机电产品绿色设计的课题研究基础上,从面向绿色产品设计要求,对产品可拆卸性设计进行了以下几个方面的研究: 1
  • Along with the worsening of human survival environment , the importance of resources sustainable development was gradually known by people , which initiates the classic green design and human nature design
  • In recent years , many scholars and researchers have engaged in related studies and applications , such as green manufacturing , green design , cutting - stock , etc , and have got many value achievements
  • So the thesis is mostly to study the all new design of ev and strive hard to make ev ' s lndustrial design match beautiful shape , human engineering , aerodynamics and principle of the green design
  • However , its advantage has not been utilized fully because of lack of systematic theory , methodology and tools , which is the bottleneck of implementing and utilizing green design and manufacturing technology
  • The research on decision - making method of green capp system is relatively dropped behind the research of green design and green manufacturing . it is very important to focus on the research of decision - making method of green capp system
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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green design的中文翻译,green design是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译green design,green design的中文意思,green design的中文green design in Chinesegreen design的中文green design怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
