gear n. 1.【机械工程】齿轮,(齿轮)传动装置,齿链;排挡。 2.〔古语〕衣服;甲胄与武器。 3.家具;财物,动产。 4.工具,用具;马具;船具;【火箭】起落架。 5.〔英口〕胡说。 6.〔英口〕行为,事件。 bevel gear伞形齿轮。 bottom gear低速挡,末挡。 helical gear斜齿轮。 high gear【机械工程】高速挡〔口语〕高速度。 hunting gear打猎用具。 low gear【机械工程】低速挡〔口语〕低速度。 magnetic gear磁力离合器。 remote-control gear遥控装置。 reverse gear倒车挡;反向齿轮。 steering gear转向装置。 telemetering gear遥测装置。 top gear高速挡,末挡。 get [put] into gear = throw into gear 开动机器;着手工作。 get out of gear = throw out of gear 断开传动装置;使混乱。 in gear 1. (机器)开得动,运转顺利;情况正常。 2. (齿轮)搭上,联结上(发动机)。 in high gear 开高速齿轮,热烈地进行。 out of gear 1. (齿轮)脱开。 2. (机器)开不动;情况混乱,出毛病。 shift gears 1. 换挡,变速。 2. 改变方式[办法、调子]。 vt. 1.把齿轮装上(机器等),使扣上齿轮;开动(机器等)。 2.给…装上马具 (up)。 3.使适合 (to)。 vi. 1.(齿轮)扣上 (into) (机器)开动。 2.适合,一致 (with)。 gear down 挂慢挡,减小速度。 gear level 挂平挡。 gear up 挂快挡,增加速度;促进。
Right main well on fire , we extended landing gear to avoid damage , returning to base for a thorough check 右主轮舱失火,我们放下起落架避免烧坏,返回基地进行彻底检查。
The bilateral dialogue is geared to discuss longer term issues of importance to the united states and china 双边对话的目的在于讨论对美中两国具有重要意义的较长期问题。
War trenches are usually about 1 metre in depth which is deep enough for soldiers in full military gear to take shelter 一般战壕的深度约一米,足够全副武装的士兵作藏身之用。
The curriculum and professional design in teachers college must be geared to the development of basic educational reform 摘要高师课程与专业设置必须适应基础教育改革发展的需要。
What to do : ask each person to help with a specific task geared to his talents , personality , and availability 该做的:让每个人完成一项最适合他们个人才华、个性和时间的具体任务。
It says special care will be given in developing activities and responses geared to meeting the challenges there 它表示为应对那边的形势,将会给予特殊的关照来提高活动和反应速度。
It is very important to draw up a strategy about talent geared to the needs of information globalization 传媒竞争归根结蒂是人才的竞争,制定一个面向信息全球化的人才战略至关重要。
Discussion on the situation of standard for microorganism in feeds in china and its beeing geared to the international standards 我国饲料微生物限量标准的现状及与国际接轨问题的探讨
The congenial surroundings with cultural displays and books are geared to making learning english stress - free and pleasant 文物与书籍陈列于赏心悦目的氛围,让学生放松心情学习英语。
There are numerous additional windows that you may encounter in the ide , each geared to a specific programming task 在ide中会遇到许多附加窗口,每个窗口都对应于一个特定的编程任务。