distribution n. 1.分配,分发,配给;分配装置[系统];配给品;配给量;【经济学】配给方法,配给过程;分红;【法律】(无遗嘱死亡者的)财产分配。 2.分布,配置,分布状态;【生物学】(生物的)分布范围;【无线电】频率分布。 3.分类,整理,区分。 4.【电学】配电;【机械工程】配汽;【印刷】拆版;【逻辑学】周延(性)。 5.销售。 the distribution of wealth 财富的分配。 the accurate distribution of zoological specimens 动物品种的精确分类。 live on charitable distributions alone 完全依靠配给救济品生活。 the distribution of coniferous forests 针叶林的分布范围。 the distribution of troops 部队配置。 The distribution of our school paper is now 3000. 我们校刊的发行量现在是3000份。 We have a good harvest but our distribution is bad. 我们丰收了,但是产品卖不出去。
Indoors model test employing similarity materials and mainly considering v - class surrounding rock is carried out respectively in respect of single track and double track so that the characteristics of ground pressure , structural stress of portal and internal force distribution in various case of slope and dead - weight stress field can be investigated 通过室内相似材料模型试验研究,模型试验围岩参数以级为主,分别从单线和双线出发,详细阐述了三种新型洞门型式在正交和斜交情况下,在不同地形坡度和自重应力场作用下围岩压力和洞门结构应力及结构内力分布特征。
Corresponding exploited computing procedures are introduced in this paper . furthermore , significant conclusions that can be applicable in practice are also summarized , after contrasting the datum from engineering instances and laboratory model tests , statistically analyzing the differences between dissimilar distributions of pile rigidity , different variance coefficients and various relativity , and probing into manifold factors determining the internal force distribution of pile capping beam and correlative principles 最后,本文结合工程实例及模型试验结果,对几种地基土模型进行了比较计算,并对不同基桩刚度分布、不同变异系数,以及不同相关性等进行了大量的统计分析,对影响承台梁内力的各种影响因素及其规律进行了探讨,得出了一些可用于指导工程实践的重要结论。
At first , this thesis analyzed the braking system theoretically , the structure , working principle and characteristic of braking force regulate fitting was expounded . second , based on the theoretical analysis , this thesis presents the braking force distribution optimization mathematics model and the braking performance computer simulation mathematics model . finally , a computer software was designed based on the mathematics model 本文首先对汽车制动系统进行了系统的理论分析,详细阐述了各类制动力调节装置的结构、工作原理,并建立了其静特性函数;然后,在理论分析的基础上建立了汽车制动力分配优化设计数学模型和制动性能计算机仿真数学模型;最后以所建数学模型为基础开发了汽车制动力分配优化与制动性能计算机仿真软件,该软件的开发成功可以大大提高制动系统设计人员的设计效率并获得最佳的制动系统设计方案。
On the basis of calculation results , the paper still analyzed several defects about end - plate connection calculation model existing in our country ' s current design criteria , furthermore , it proposed so me improvements about end - plate connection calculation model according to bolt force distribution 在计算分析的基础上,本文还分析了我国现行钢结构设计规范在端板连接受力计算模型方面存在的不足,并根据节点受力分析得到的螺栓拉力分布规律,提出了节点计算模型的改进意见。