The tournament in shanghai is moving closer rather rapidly . it ' s great to have prepared for the masters cup quietly in dubai . i ' m looking forward to this year ' s final challenge 上海赛事日益临近,在迪拜静静地准备大师杯感觉真的很好。我期待今年的总决赛!
Susan peng , graduated from the english department of south china normal university where she got her b . a . degree , is now studying in southwest china university for the master ' s degree 彭苏老师毕业于华南师范大学,获英语语言文学学士学位,为西南大学教育硕士。
In 1998 , 18 colleges and universities in shanghai received 4 , 298 long - term overseas students from 97 countries and regions , among them 650 students study for the master degree or above 1998年18所上海高校接收了4298名来自97个国家和地区的长期留学生,其中来攻读硕士以上学位的有650人。
We constructed a rs - 485 bus based digital video monitor system with a dsp based video - image compressing card , a rs - 485 serial communication card and the monitor software pack for the master computer 我们采用基于dsp的视频图像压缩卡、 rs - 485通信卡和上位机监控软件包构建了基于rs - 485总线的数字视频监控系统。
I was now even more impatient to see mr rochester , but when i was having tea with mrs fairfax in the afternoon , the first thing she said was , ‘ it ' s fine weather for the master ' s journey 现在我更加急不可耐地想要见到罗切斯特先生,但下午我和费尔法斯太太喝茶时,她第一句话就是: “今天天气不错,正适合主人旅行。 ”
We must do our job clearly , not for the master . we do it not for fear that we will violate the precepts . we do it not for fear that we will go to hell 我们也是一样,我们是修行人,为了要加持这个世界,我们要做清楚,不是为了师父而做,不是为了怕犯戒而做,不是为了怕下地狱才做,也不是怕没功德,而是我们的本分就是要修行的。
Letter of motivation : applicants have to submit a statement of two pages , in which they provide information on their motivation for the master ' s program , their extracurricular activities and their work experience 目的陈述书:申请者必须写篇幅至少两页的陈述书,阐明自己选择该项目的目的动机,以及个人的相关工作经历、能力和特长。
Professor liu hongzhen ( male ) , born in jinxiang , shandong province in 1958 , is the vice - president in the college of physical education of qufu normal university and the supervisor of science of human movement for the master ' s degree 刘洪珍教授、男、 1958生、山东省金乡县人,现为曲阜师范大学体育科学学院副院长、运动人体科学硕士生导师。
Sometimes you work for the community or you work for the master , and then it also goes quickly , automatically . but you have to do it with a sense of devotion and selfless sacrifice , not with a desire for something in return 有时候你们为大众服务或做师父的工作,因果也会自动转得很快,但是做的时候要有无我奉献和牺牲的精神,不是为了获得回报。
You define the content for the master page s placeholder controls by creating individual content pages , which are asp . net pages . aspx files and , optionally , code - behind files that are bound to a specific master page 通过创建各个内容页来定义母版页的占位符控件的内容,这些内容页为绑定到特定母版页的asp . net页( . aspx文件以及可选的代码隐藏文件) 。