A participant supported enlarging the electoral base of the ec so that the views of more people could be represented 有嘉宾认为选民基数可以增加,代表多些人的意见。
Under the direction of the electoral affairs commission , we implement the decisions of the commission in relation to 我们按照选管会的指示,实施选管会就下述事项所作出的决定:
For a start mr sarkozy , unlike jacques chirac in 1995 , has entered office with a strong electoral mandate for change 与那年希拉克总统不同,萨克奇是在人民强烈希望改革的前提下上台的。
Ce considered that " electoral methods " should be amended and requested npcsc to make a determination in this respect 行政长官认为应修改"产生办法" ,并提请全国人大常委会就此予以确定。
Reporter : will you be submitting proposals for amending the electoral regulations . . . . before the npc gives its permission 与此同时,我已经请曾司长的专责小组尽快把他们第二份报告完成。
As for the availability of ballot boxes , the registration and electoral office has always had a backup stock of ballot boxes available 或者是有票站打开了票箱,把票压下去,以便放置更多选票?
As for the availability of ballot boxes , the registration and electoral office has always had a backup stock of ballot boxes available 或者是有票站打开了票箱,把票压下去,以便放置更多选票?
The public certainly do not wish to lose the opportunity to make progress on the electoral arrangements in 2007 and 2008 . 市民大众显然不希望白白丧失在二零零七及二零零八年推动政制向前发展的机会。